Posts By Sterling Whitehead

Power of the World Bank’s Transparent Project Management

I’m at DevHouse:DC right now. It’s basically a gathering of the technologically creative and curious among us. People come to build applications and learn. Naturally, I had to come. It also helps that Andy K promoted it on GovLoop. A World Bank employee showed me how his organization is applying open data to project management.Read… Read more »

Future Innovations Impacting Contract Specialists

Just reading these interviews shows you the Internet is evolving. And as the Internet evolves, so will contract specialists. See, we’re partly paid to be walking-talking-regulation-spouting machines, meaning we understand the Federal Acquisition Regulation and its several-bazillion supplements. And as much as the Internet has impacted contract specialists, more changes are coming. Mobile FARing FARSiteRead… Read more »

Week 2 of CON 090

Week 2 is over. I’m passing the class now. The first test was a doozy, but the second was much easier. Here are a few notes about week 2. Your research skills you learned the first week are rock solid by this point. This makes week 2 much easier. Your social life doesn’t die, butRead… Read more »

The Death of Videoless Conference Calls

Three things scare me: Snakes Clowns Videoless conference calls While snakes and clowns aren’t going away, I think video conference calls will largely replace regular, videoless conference calls within 5 years. In fact, I see the trend already taking place in the federal government with secure video conferencing. There are a four reasons I thinkRead… Read more »

When Cars Go Boom

Photo from A car exploded outside my apartment complex this morning. I don’t live in a war-torn country; I live in one of the preppiest cities in America: Arlington, VA, home of Arlington Rap. Fortunately, no one was hurt and only the car was destroyed. The trunk looks like, well, there is no moreRead… Read more »

Finishing the First Week of CON 090

My first impression was right: this is a very difficult class. It’s actually one of the most intellectually challenging classes I’ve taken. (The most difficult was Philosophy 101 with Dr. Janowski; guess which one he is. And yes, that intro class was tougher than any other philosophy major class.) I discovered the beauty and horridnessRead… Read more »

CON 090 Weekly Review: The First Day

Several weeks ago I mentioned I was going into CON 090: Federal Acquisition Regulation Fundamentals at DAU. I just completed my first day. Here are my first impressions: It will be a long, arduous course. (One person with 20+ years experience barely passed it last year). The instructors take the mission of the course veryRead… Read more »

Seinfeld in Government

If Seinfeld characters were in government, what federal departments and agencies would they be in? Newman. US Postal Service. He actually worked for the USPS in the show, so there isn’t speculation here. Kramer. Defense Department. Kramer had so many different jobs that he had to be at DoD, which is so large it hasRead… Read more »

What are the Gov 2.0 Let Downs of 2010?

GovLoop and its members recently put together a fantastic slideshow — “Best of GovLoop 2010 and Beyond.” It highlights our successes and that’s wonderful. What we have not done is illustrate and discuss the 2010 let downs of Gov 2.0. This is a very important step we must take. Understanding what went wrong is atRead… Read more »