Posts By Tom Hanson

California Space Race

A vocal and well-prepared team of aerospace professionals and backers in California is gaining momentum in its quest to enhance the region’s aerospace prowess. Influential members from myriad economic development, utility, education, government, military, and defense contractor groups have pooled their talent, assets, know-how, and hefty political backing to form the California Space Authority (CSA)Read… Read more »

Blippy, Woot, Bundle (Pardon me…)

21st century names for the Rice Krispie elves? Or powerful new, Twitter-pated, info-sharing services? The quest to reach the zenith of Too Much Information races upward. Fast Company reports on new ways to compare prices and get screamin’ deals: meet Blippy, Woot, and Bundle. Ever wondered what your online tribe are spending their money on,Read… Read more »

… Might as well try and tax the wind

Apologies to Dylan, but while pondering recent taxation maneuvers around the globe in renewable energy, the lyrics to his song Catch the Wind were blowing through my head. Investment Tax Credits (ITC) appear to be holding up in most countries, to the benefit of wind and solar power industry players; even as governments map outRead… Read more »

Consumer Electronics Show: The Takeaway

In 1830s America, the fur trade introduced the forerunner of the American trade fair: the rendezvous, a regular annual gathering where all the bargaining and the buying were done. In wide pastures at the foot of the mountains, the Indian traders and fur trappers gathered with their pelts and the buyers came in with dollarsRead… Read more »

Sell Provocatively

No, I don’t mean Victoria’s Secret-kind of provocative. I mean that with recent market downturns, it’s time to provoke your customers into choosing your solutions. For emerging brands of b-2-b solutions, in new market sectors, you can’t rely on old methods. Tightening markets mean thinning leads and sluggish closing velocity, so keep your team’s UniqueRead… Read more »

Sorry, Can’t Hear You… There’s an Elephant in the Room

A trade summit with China last week neglected to address the most pressing trade problem facing our two nations head on: how to resolve the conflict surrounding the US’ tariff on Chinese-manufactured car tires, which (of course) is linked to their hitting us with a similar tariff on chickens. There’s nothing to do but escalateRead… Read more »

Buy America? Bye, American Jobs

Here’s the ultimate irony, one with dramatic consequences to US families: a federal policy to stimulate our flagging economy that actually puts more of our jobs at risk. “Buy American” provisions found within this year’s $788 billion stimulus spending package expose US workers in several manufacturing sectors to job loss. It’s that the stipulations ofRead… Read more »

Software Product Launch: Where’s True North?

Software developers reach a point, when poised to launch a new-generation product, where The Launch takes on a life of its own. A well-oiled, buttoned-down enterprise with a market-killer under wraps observes one day that no one department or team can objectively step in and lead the product to Launch Day. Girded with its ownRead… Read more »

NAFTA Wink-Nudge Stalls Mexico’s Trucking in US

The US-Mexican ‘”frontera” is a hot spot for turf rumbles and tariff tussles, on a personal and national scale. At this month’s Leaders Summit in Guadalajara. Presidents Calderon and Obama and Prime Minister Harper classically ducked the thorny subject of NAFTA’s stalled agreement for bi-national trucking reciprocity for Mexico. I suppose Mr. Harper got smartRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy’s Tipping Point

Earlier, I pointed to legislation that signals broad acceptance of the renewable energy sector across all continents. Various countries are taking the initiative to invite capture and conversion of solar, wind, and thermal energy. (see 3 Aug blog) Heretofore not thought of as energy titans — i.e., no formidable oil or gas reserves — theseRead… Read more »