Posts By Tom Worthington

Learning and Dialogue Building

Former Canadian military college, Royal Roads University, is constructing a Learning and Innovation Centre building. One floor will be a “Centre for Dialogue”, intended to carry out a similar function to that of the Wosk Centre at Simon Fraser University.However unlike the Wosk centre, which is essentially a conterence centre with very specalsied discussion roomsRead… Read more »

National Portrait Gallery Conference Venue

The Verdiem presentation I attended today was held at the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) in Canberra. The National Portrait Gallery turned out to be a very good event event venue. This might make a good template for new and larger venues in the Parliamentary Triangle.The building has extensive free parking underneath and a bus stopRead… Read more »

Preparing to Prevent Disasters Online

Greetings from the Australian National University in Canberra where Apurva Sanghi, from the World Bank, is talking about their new book “Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters: The Economics of Effective Prevention”.Apurva Sanghi outlined how prevention and preparation could lower the overall cost and effects of disasters. However, he then played a video of the “SMART: StormwaterRead… Read more »

Targeting Government Computer Energy Use

Today I attended a presentation by John Scumniotales, the newly promoted President of Verdiem at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. His company was founded to provide PC power management software. They are now expaning to provide management of network equipment and other ICT devices..The Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010 – 2015 (DEWHA, 2010)Read… Read more »

Preparing to Prevent Disasters Online

Greetings from the Australian National University in Canberra where Apurva Sanghi, from the World Bank, is talking about their new book “Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters: The Economics of Effective Prevention”.Apurva Sanghi outlined how prevention and preparation could lower the overall cost and effects of disasters. However, he then played a video of the “SMART: StormwaterRead… Read more »

Preparing to Prevent Disasters

Greetings from the Australian National University in Canberra where Apurva Sanghi, from the World Bank, is talking about their new book “Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters: The Economics of Effective Prevention”.Unfortunately the World Bank has chosen to restrict access to this document. This is ironic as in his presentation Apurva Sanghi urged government to make publiclyRead… Read more »

Long Range High Speed Wireless for NBN

Stuart Kennedy reported in The Australian that CSIRO is seeking a deal with NBN in the next three months for use of their long range high speed wireless broadband technology (“CSIRO keen to secure commercialisation deal for Ngara”, March 08, 2011 12:00AM). This is CSIRO’s Ngara wireless broadband technology. The claim is that just aRead… Read more »

Long Range High Speed Wireless for NBN

There are media reports that CSIRO is seeking a deal with NBN in the next three months for use of their Ngara long range high speed wireless broadband technology. The claim is that just a firmware and antenna upgrade is required to mobile phone LTE base station technology to make it usable.If this is true,Read… Read more »