Pokémon Go: 3 Things for Government Nerds To Consider
Let’s take a look at just a few ways Pokémon Go could have an impact on our work in the government arena.
Let’s take a look at just a few ways Pokémon Go could have an impact on our work in the government arena.
Here are some quotes from many of America’s great thinkers and doers as inspiration for your Fourth of July holiday.
The real test of leaders, and what they won’t so loudly talk about, is focus and follow-through.
I believe taking inspiration from the wonderful world of sports can equip us to be better government leaders. Want to be a champion? Want to turn your workplace team into a dynasty for the ages? Here are three key areas where we can learn from our favorite coaches, players, and sports personalities.
As the messengers, we have the power to create fewer Magneto’s and more Charles Xavier’s — people who engage with public institutions and their fellow humans, working together to create a better tomorrow.
Whatever the resource challenges or risks may be, it’s not only possible, but advisable to make communications a part of the plan. Because communicating effectively will enhance your ability to do the rest of your work successfully.
When you find a problem or opportunity, put yourself in a position to seize it, even if it doesn’t fit cleanly within your position description or your existing skill and knowledge set.
What if large-scale government organizations had a single cabinet-level agency dedicated to communications and public engagement? The idea of a Secretary or Commissioner of Communications may seem outlandish at first glance, but I believe the concept deserves our consideration.
Those of us who work in government may not feel directly impacted by the world of civics teachers and government text books, but I’d argue they play an important, under appreciated role in our successes and challenges, big and small.
Win or lose, I’m really proud of our softball team, and I think it has some significant benefits for our workplace. Here are just a few areas where it’s made a difference.