Posts By Andrew Krzmarzick

Notes from National League of Cities: Andrew Bleeker and Tips from the Obama Campaign

Andrew Bleeker, an online digital strategist who was key to the successful use of social media in the 2008 Obama campaign, is the keynote for the National League of Cities social media session I’m participating in right now. Below are notes from his excellent remarks – regardless of our political leanings, we can all learnRead… Read more »

Notes from National League of Cities: Social Media and Municipalities

Today, I am writing live from Denver, Colorado, where I am participating in a panel for the 2010 National League of Cities (NLC) Congress of Cities and Exposition. Fellow panelists include: – Mark Basnight, Public Information Officer, Charlotte Fire Department– Andrew Bleeker, Principal, Bully Pulpit Interactive (Obama Campaign)– Pam Broviak, City Engineer/Assistant Director of PublicRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: 5 Tips for TSA from Fellow Govies

GovLoop’s latest Huffington Post column is live. Here’s an excerpt: Earlier this week, we posed the following challenge to members of GovLoop, a group of nearly 40,000 people who work in and around government: Help TSA Out of This Mess! Share Your Ideas to Improve Travel Right Now! As you might suspect with all theRead… Read more »

Blog Importer: Take 3

Three has always been a good number for me. And that’s a good thing since this marks my third attempt to test the blog importer. So let’s hope the old saying about it being charm holds true. Because I know you’re tired of seeing these meaningless posts from me. And I’d like to share somethingRead… Read more »

Testing the Super Duper Blog Importer Again

So my first attempt to use the new GovLoop blog importer didn’t post in full – just a couple lines and “to be continued…” I mean, who wants to read 3 lines, then get linked off? I always hated that when sitcoms started doing that – waiting a full week for the next episode inRead… Read more »

What if GovLoop Had a Super Awesome Blog Importer?

So imagine you’re sitting wherever it is you sit when you compose a blog post. You compose it and hit “Publish.” And then you say, “Bah! Now I have to cross-post it at GovLoop…which requires me to copy and paste the code, adjust the formatting…oh, wait, I’m late for a meeting!” So the blog postRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: US Postal Service OIG Audit Project Pages

****************************** Not a GovLoop Member? JOIN HERE! ****************************** A couple weeks ago, I met Timothy Cole, an auditor in the US Postal Service (USPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG). He shared with me a pretty cool crowd-sourcing project they launched recently, called “Office of Inspector General Audit Project Pages.” My interview with him isRead… Read more »