Posts By Andrew Krzmarzick

Friday Fab Five: Elections, Projections and Suggestions

Welcome to week number two of… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was posted by Daniel Honker, who asked “What do the mid-term elections mean for public servants?” In fact, HonkerRead… Read more »

The Election Didn’t End Open Government…But It Will “Change Course”

Every month, I’ve been writing a “Backtalk” column for Federal Computer Week, collecting and coalescing the best conversations on GovLoop. The latest piece addresses the impact of the mid-term elections on Open Government efforts. Here are a few snippets: “Will the midterm election close down open government?” That was the question my GovLoop colleague StephenRead… Read more »

Vets and Boomers: How Did It Feel? (GovLoop’s Latest on HuffPo)

The latest GovLoop piece on HuffPo is up! Here’s how it starts: Veterans: Do you remember what it was like to return from World War II as heroes, hearing a strong and sincere “welcome home” from an adoring American public? Baby Boomers: Do you remember how it felt to hear President Kennedy’s inspiring inauguration appeal,Read… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 2

In Part 1, I laid out the present reality of learning. Using a recent lesson learned in responding to my teething, seven-month old son, I made the claim that we’re increasingly gaining new information via search engines and social networks. I said that I planned to persuade your thinking on three points: • Informal learningRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 1

A couple weeks ago, my seven-month old son started having all the tell-tale signs of teething. So what did my wife and I do as first-time parents faced with a fussy infant? Well, we felt like we had a few options: Look it up in one of the 36 books we bought about babies. CallRead… Read more »

GovLooper Rally Makes the Christian Science Monitor, 3rd Most Viewed Article

Here’s the Christian Science Monitor article: “Government Workers: We Need Love, Too” Excerpt: Everyone knows the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on the National Mall in Washington Saturday is a counterweight to Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in the same venue back in August. But betcha didn’t know there was anotherRead… Read more »

Friday’s Fab Five: Digital Divides, Long Rides and Job Guides

We’re going to start something new on GovLoop (aren’t we always?): Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’ll take a quick look back at the week and highlight a five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s the first installment: 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Steve Radick‘s “Addressing the Digital DivideRead… Read more »

Are the Experts in Cubicles or Classrooms? (PREZI)

I just wrapped up sharing this presentation with some folks as part of the George Washington University Senior Leader Program…details later, but wanted to embed the presentation right away so they (and you!) could have a link: NOTE: I also posted a 2-part series that is the presentation-as-a-blog-post : – Part 1: – PartRead… Read more »