Posts By Andrew Krzmarzick

Project of the Week: EPA’s Children’s Health Month (October)

As many of you know, my wife and I had our first son back in March of this year. The guy is already crawling and chattering away…and he’s already picked up his first couple colds. So I installed a gate in our home this past weekend and we’re obviously looking for ways to minimize theRead… Read more »

What Gov 2.0 Needs Now: Managers, Money and Models

*************************************************************************** GovLoop is proud to have HP as one of its 2010 Partners. *************************************************************************** Many in the government 2.0 community are taking stock of the current state of the movement, asking questions like: Steve Ressler: Is Gov 2.0 in a sophomore slump? Adriel Hampton: Is the Gov 2.0 movement losing steam? Andrea DiMaio: How DoRead… Read more »

10/10/10 – One Day, One Way to Get a Glimpse of Earth’s Story

When I was in elementary school, our community renovated the school’s playground. As part of the project, students and their families were asked to share items – newspaper articles, clothing, music, etc. – that would go in a time capsule, which was to be buried underneath the playground. The idea was that someone decades downRead… Read more »

Gourmet Web Experiences on a Fast Food Budget – Jared Spool at NAGW 2010

It’s been a great week! First, I participated in Manor.Govfresh – an incredible, move-the-needle, local government innovation showcase event. Now I am covering the 2010 National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) National Conference. The morning started with the pop of a champagne cork with Jared Spool presenting under the title “Cooking Up Gourmet Experiences onRead… Read more »

Get Your Gov On – Right Now, Real-Time

Original post by guest author Dave McClure, Associate Administrator, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, U.S. General Services Administration, on GovDelivery’s Reach the Public blog. We live our lives in real time and the government is moving to respond, react, and communicate with the public in more open and agile ways. Often, however, weRead… Read more »

Manor.GovFresh – Beth Noveck: “OpenGov Is Not Something Nice to Do…”

I flew into Austin this morning for Manor.Govfresh and arrived just in time to hear Beth Noveck, White House Deputy CTO. Below are a few of the key ideas that I heard from Beth: – Open Government is not something nice to do; it’s something we MUST do. – Open Government is not about technology,Read… Read more »

9 Rules of the Road for Reaching Millennials

Yesterday, I posted a slide deck about “Social Media: Time Saver or Sucker?” from my talk at a National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) professional development event. Well, I was busy at the event and also presented on marketing and leading Millennials. Below is that deck: 9 Rules of the Road to Reach Millennials ViewRead… Read more »

Social Media: Time Savers or Suckers?

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************** This past week, I presented at a professional development event for the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The title and description was: Time Savers or Time Suckers? Are Twitter, Facebook, UStream and Ning worth your time? StatisticsRead… Read more »

You Can Do It, Federal Employees! Break Your Own CFC Giving Record!

“With some 25,000 participating charities, the CFC is the world’s largest and most successful workplace charitable drive. Last year Federal workers and military personnel pledged over $283 million dollars, setting a new CFC record. Donations to the CFC change lives and bring relief and hope to thousands of communities and millions of Americans. I’ve alwaysRead… Read more »