Posts By Andrew Krzmarzick

Project of the Week: UK’s Driving Standards Agency

Does your local DMV have instructional videos on YouTube? Do they use social media at all? Are they committed to “lifelong learning” among drivers in your area? If your answer was “no” to any or all of these questions, then you might want to tell them about the United Kingdom’s Driving Standards Agency (DSA), whichRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Dannielle Blumenthal

Have you met Dannielle Blumenthal? Chances are you’ve bumped into her on GovLoop – she’s created several groups and has as of late become a prolific blogger. Her short answers below really don’t do justice to her contributions to GovLoop and government communications, so I hope that this brief profile prompts you to join herRead… Read more »

Great Commercial,! Why Can’t I Find It On YouTube?

If you’ve been watching CNN recently, you’ve probably seen the commercial – you know, the one where there are two guys getting rained on under floating rooves. One is “having a problem.” The other: dry and secure. I wanted to see it again, so I quickly went to YouTube to see if I couldRead… Read more »

OpenGov: Leaving Thousands of Citizens Behind?

Q: How do we bridge the digital divide – that ignominious gap between people who enjoy ready access to web-based and mobile technology and those who lack such resources? This question is a little explored, but critical element of President Obama’s Open Government initiative. One possible answer was presented in my local newspaper last weekendRead… Read more »

A Salute to 3 Gov 2.0 Heroes You Don’t Know Yet

On this day – Gov 2.0 Hero Day – when we’re honoring people who have toiled tirelessly to create a government that leverages technology to better serve and engage citizens, I thought I’d share some quick thoughts on people that I admire. Yes, we’re naming names today (all of whom are noteworthy and deserve recognitionRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Austin’s Crowd-sourced City Budget

This past week, while I was in Texas, I learned that the City of Austin has launched an innovative online tool for the public to provide comment about their 2010-2011 Budget. Community members will be able to vote on priorities for unmet service demands and potential service reductions as the City works toward formulating itsRead… Read more »

Remember the Alamo! 7 Lessons for Winning the Gov 2.0 Revolution

I just finished delivering a luncheon keynote for the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) 2010 Conference under the title “Remember the Alamo: Winning the Fight for Social Media.” Since the Alamo’s just a few miles down the road from Austin – and because we find ourselves in the midst of a revolution ofRead… Read more »

Retro Flashback: Next Generation Government Will Be Mobile

One year ago, I published a post entitled “Next Generation Government: Mobile, Measurable and Malleable.“ As the Next Generation of Government Summit fast approaches, I thought I’d dust off this blog post and play it again to spark discussion in advance of the event. I’m going to run it as a series – breaking itRead… Read more »

Mr. President: Tear Down Those Walls!

Whenever I get a chance for some free time on trips to Washington, DC, I walk or run along the National Mall. Our nation’s capitol is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, especially in and around the monuments and memorials. But then I walk a block off the Mall and seeRead… Read more »