Communicate With Confidence in the Workplace
Do you ever speak to a coworker and wish you could have phrased yourself better? Here are five tips on how to communicate with confidence in the workplace.
Do you ever speak to a coworker and wish you could have phrased yourself better? Here are five tips on how to communicate with confidence in the workplace.
Surveys have shown that there are specific characteristics associated with each generation that can benefit the workforce. Here are those attributes.
Do you ever speak to a coworker and wish you could have phrased yourself better? Here are five tips on how to communicate with confidence in the workplace.
How can we make smart decisions that will impact an entire team, city, or nation? To improve your decision-making skills, follow these six tips.
You’ve probably found yourself drained at some point throughout the day and in need of a break. Here are practical ways to recharge away from your screen.
Strive to be authentic, because if you want to be the best, you need to be yourself.
Many make the mistake of dismissing professional development as a resource for entry-level employees, but NextGen is for everyone.
If you’re invited to a meeting; showcase your leadership skills and speak up.
Here are some cliff notes about our keynotes for the 2021 NextGen Virtual Training Summit. Learn more about our illustrious speakers!
How can agencies and employees improve their cybersecurity knowledge in a more effective and fun way? Here are some great takeaways.