That’s All She Wrote: Lessons Learned as a Featured Blogger
Here are some of the lessons I learned over the past three months of blogging.
Here are some of the lessons I learned over the past three months of blogging.
Are your government employees tired, lacking motivation, or just simply needing a little of bit of pep to help them overcome some pessimistic attitudes at the workplace? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 3 tips to help boost employee morale that can be implemented no matter your position, agency, or department.
I was able to attend an awesome AmeriCorps conference this summer and it consisted of a variety of workshop sessions, including one called “Management Boot Camp: 3 Hours to More Effective Interactions at Work.” This was an incredible session focused on inspiration, assessment, accountability, and most importantly, communication. The workshop presenter began his training byRead… Read more »
I’ve learned the importance of having and maintaining a happy file at work, and I’ve found it so beneficial that I will always make it a priority to keep an updated happy file.
Before my current state government position supporting AmeriCorps programs, I spent two years working as a community development consultant in Madagascar, the large island off the southeast coast of Africa. While living and working in Madagascar — a country and culture so different from our lives here in America — I learned a lot about perspective. And perspectiveRead… Read more »
I recently read a job announcement for a well-known local nonprofit organization that included the standard position description, responsibilities, skills, and personal attributes required. But it also included something atypical for a job description: the announcement listed that the candidate must possess the qualities of “passion, idealism, integrity, positive attitude, mission-driven, and self-directed.” Wow – whatRead… Read more »
Labor Day – that beautiful holiday in early September on one of the last summer weekends of the year that’s devoted to all of us in the American workforce. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, this holiday is “dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers,” and it “constitutes a yearly nationalRead… Read more »
Many of us govies spend a lot of time at work surrounded by drab-colored cubicle walls with limited privacy or personal space. Although I long for the day that I will have a door and dream for the time when I will be able to control my own lighting (bye-bye harsh fluorescents), I have foundRead… Read more »
If you’re anything like me, you know this scenario all too well….emails flying back and forth, voicemails and calls to return, multi-tasking at least two different urgent issues, putting out countless fires….then 12:00 rolls around and you think, “I’ll just do one more thing,” which turns into two or three things and by the timeRead… Read more »
I recently had the distinct pleasure of interviewing one of my favorite public servants, the Director of the Division of Community Service and Nonprofit Support at the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Sherry Middleton. With over 32 years of experience in public service through both government and nonprofit work, Sherry is a respected, influential, andRead… Read more »