Posts By Emily Jarvis

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Mapping out DoD’s Sequestration Cuts

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 20th of June, 2012 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey is mapping out the sequestration cuts at the Defense Department. Dempsey says the automatic cuts would have to come from military operations, maintenance, training and modernization. Government Executivesays cuts to “overseas contingencyRead… Read more »

Making government innovation work across the pond and are we on the brink of a digital revolution?

On today’s edition of the DorobekINSIDER Government and innovation and an example of how other governments try to make it work. Specifically, we’re going to talk to one of the officials involved with Denmark’s MindLab — a fascinating public-private partnership. What is is and how does it work? We’ll find out. Click here for theRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Congress tries to save Transportation Bill

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 19th of June, 2012 The federal workforce is shrinking. Federal Times says for the first time in five years the workforce declined by .5 percent. The Social Security Administration and IRS — which saw its staffs shrink 6 percent last year — warned Congress lastRead… Read more »

How do you scale government innovation?

How do you scale government innovation? That’s the question Jay Nath, San Francisco’s Chief Innovation Officer wants to know. Nath sat down with Chris Dorobek on the Dorobek INSIDER program for a 30 minute in depth interview that covered the gamut of government innovation: apps challenges, budget constraints, culture changes and more. “If we aren’tRead… Read more »

Tech talk: Rethinking government Innovation and a how to guide for Apps. contests

On today’s edition of the DorobekINSIDER Re-thinking government innovation with San Francisco’s Chief Innovation Officer. Click here for the full story. How to make the most out of your next apps contest. We get insights from the Information Diet’s Clay Johnson. Click here for the full story. Chris was in Gambier, Ohio this weekend, theRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: White House tells Congress to do its job

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 18th of June, 2012 The Highway spending bill is running out of steam. The Hill Newspaper reports that negotiations between the House and Senate have stalled. Lawmakers have until June 30 to reach a deal on transportation spending before the current funding mechanism for roadRead… Read more »

How one fed created a free tax service and a step by step guide to agency innovation

On today’s DorobekINSIDER How one feds helped millions of low income residents get their tax returns completed. The amazing work has made him a Service to America Award Medal Finalist. The Sammies — the oscars for feds. you’ll meet him. Click here for the full story. A step by step guide to making your agencyRead… Read more »

40 Years at the IRS — How one fed lends tax assistance to low income households

Every year millions of low-and moderate-income residents have their tax returns completed and receive refunds from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) — and they do it at no cost. Yes — free. No third-party tax preparer. It’s thanks in large part to the work of Michael McBride. McBride is a Supervisory Financial Analyst at theRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Cuts to the Acquisition Workforce?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 14th of June, 2012 Senators Joseph Lieberman and Susan Collins are warning against cutting the acquisition workforce. Collins told Federal News Radio, “If we don’t have a highly trained and experienced workforce we will lose some value in the negotiations on federal contracts.” Lieberman addedRead… Read more »