Posts By Emily Jarvis

Getting the Most Out of a Gov Career

You’re a government employee! Congrats! You’re a rockstar! But now that you are in government, what’s next? How do you rise through the ranks? How do you become a decision maker? At the earlier stages of our careers, it’s sometimes tough to picture ourselves at the top of the organization, being the leader. Nevertheless, planningRead… Read more »

Character: the Ultimate Success Factor?

char·ac·ter: noun: the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves While Merriam Webster’s definition of character is pretty clear, its definition in the real world is a bit more fluid. A person with a strong character can look different in different situations. Less than 50 percent of Americans believe government employees are doing an effective jobRead… Read more »

A New Era for Enterprise Architecture?

We hosted a special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We meet every month with the simple idea, get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Listen to the archive here. Let’s be honest: agencies were required to create an enterprise architecture but thoseRead… Read more »

A Gov Exodus? Are You Leaving Too?

Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures is roughly 6.2% of theRead… Read more »

Can You Hear Me Now? Yes, Yes You Can

“Can you hear me now?” You probably remember those Verizon Wireless commercials with the Verizon rep walking across the United States making sure the connection was intact. As annoying as the commercials were, they did drive home a point, cell service is everywhere. But here’s the thing, in many parts of the world, service isn’tRead… Read more »

You Can Only Build So Many Walls

For years the IT community has been building walls and digging moats to keep out cyber attackers. Now the focus has shifted. Rather than zero-in on outside invaders, security experts have set their sights on internal vulnerability. – Federal Times. Automation alone can’t prevent cyber attacks. Why? “It is critical to have people standing onRead… Read more »

How to Build Partnerships the Right Way

In government, we often talk about the importance of building public-private partnerships. In San Jose, they aren’t just talking about building partnerships – they’re actually doing it. The Silicon Valley Talent Partnership, a facilitator of public private partnerships, is working on ways to leverage Silicon Valley’s highly skilled constituents for volunteer efforts to address someRead… Read more »