Posts By Emily Jarvis

Is Strategic Sourcing Money in the Bank for Agencies?

Did you know that one of the biggest procurement programs underway is happening at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)? “The Professional and Technical Support Services Contract Vehicle (also known as Pro-Tech) will be awarded next year for a five-year, $5 billion program. It will deliver a wide array of specialty services in theRead… Read more »

The Time for Gov to Embrace Change is Now

Shutdown, furloughs, pay cuts – oh my! Last year was basically Groundhog Day for feds, each day an endless cycle of bad news – at least, that’s what it felt like. But how bad was it, really? A new survey tries to capture the data. In the new report, “Embracing Change: CHCOs Rising to theRead… Read more »

The First Cut is the Deepest – Especially When It’s From Your Boss

“The first cut is the deepest” is a lyric from a popular Sheryl Crowe song – but it could also easily be the mantra for any employee struggling with an abusive boss. Many bosses (not mine, thankfully) like to employ the fear tactic to inspire their employees to work harder and stay on task. ButRead… Read more »

Houston, We Don’t Have A Problem: Space Made Safe

More than a half million pieces of space debris are orbiting the earth, at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. Clearly this debris is a safety concern for astronauts aboard the International Space Station, but it also threatens to damage or destroy spacecraft and critical military, intelligence, communications, weather and navigation satellites. Richard RastRead… Read more »

More than 90% of Gov IT Projects Fail – Eeek!

We don’t have to tell you about the challenges facing public sector IT – and was just one of the more visible procurement hurdles. The Public Spend Forum has published a study, “Billions in the Balance: Removing Barriers to Competition and Driving Innovation in Public Sector IT Markets,” – and the survey found thatRead… Read more »

On the Frontlines of Government’s Technological Transformation

In 1975 we saw the invention of the personal computer. In 2002 the first wave of smartphones hit the market. In 2008 the federal government considered cloud computing for the first time. James Sills has been witness to it all. And for the past five years, Sills has been the chief information officer for theRead… Read more »

The Secret to Success? Collaboration

When you read about getting ahead in life, many times you’ll hear people discussing cutthroat options, ruthlessness, or other ways of dealing with the competition. But we really think that it’s actually collaboration that’s the key to success. Oftentimes, being a member of a collaborative group pushes members to excel, and make them feel likeRead… Read more »

Is Your Agency in the Midst of a Digital Transformation? What Can You Do?

Over 80% of employees see their organizations in the midst of a digital transformation, one that’s a response to disruptive technologies, market shifts and an increasingly empowered set of customers. This transformation is forcing leaders to step into new roles and take on new challenges. One place where this digital shift is taking place isRead… Read more »

Another One Bites the Dust? Cybersecurity Done Right on DorobekINSIDER Live

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We’re LIVE! We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Let’s get one thing straight, your data is atRead… Read more »

Here’s Looking at You, Kid – You’re a Government Rock Star

In high school, I was a cheerleader. Pom poms and football games were my Friday night. That might not sound like a good time for many, but for me, it was the ultimate. Why? Because I honestly believe that people perform better when their good work is recognized – and I loved rooting for othersRead… Read more »