Posts By Emily Jarvis

Looking Inside the Maple Leaf – How Canada Does Transparency

How many potholes have been filled this spring in your city? Are buses arriving on time this weekend? What’s the number of business licenses granted in the past month? How fast are emergency vehicles responding on-scene to accidents? These are just examples of questions citizens ask their local government on an everyday basis. Frequently, findingRead… Read more »

Securing the Ports and Securing the Nation – One Man’s Mission

In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, much of the focus in the transportation world was on securing the nation’s airports. But what about the other access points across the country? How secure were America’s many ports? It was that question Anthony Regalbuto, Chief, Office of International and Domestic Port Security, set aboutRead… Read more »

Are You Talking to Me? How to Get the Civil Service Reform Convo Started

Back in July of 2013 the president released his management agenda, which focused on three main goals: finding new ways to deliver government services more quickly and conveniently; cutting duplicative and unnecessary programs; and expanding the numbers and type of government data sets provided online. It was a powerful agenda, but now, almost a yearRead… Read more »

The Data Act Debrief: More than Meets the Eye

The Data Act was just signed into law last week – and it’s going to have far-reaching effects on federal agencies and hundreds of thousands of recipient of federal funds, such as grantees, contractors, universities, nonprofits, states and localities. The new law gives agencies three years to implement a set of new reporting requirements toRead… Read more »

Know When To Fold ‘Em, Know When To Walk Away

“You have to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em and know when to walk away.” Kenny Roggers wasn’t just talking about love in his 1980 classic song “The Gambler” — he was also talking about poor performers. Poor performers can bring down an organization, cripple employee morale and thwart innovation. AndRead… Read more »

Boom or Bust – How Is Your State Budget Fairing?

The 2008 economic recession hit states particularly hard. Tax revenue was plummeted. Budgets shrank. Simply put, economic times were tough. But in the five years since the recession, states have seen a bit of a recovery. A new S&P report ranks how states have recovered from the recession and warns some states about policies they’reRead… Read more »

USPS to Overhaul Retirements – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The government workforce is living in the time of World War II. The current general schedule classification and pay system was designed when Harry Truman was president. We talked with Jeff Neal to get some insights on what to do going forward. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.comRead… Read more »

Is Gov Holding on to the Past? How to Get the Workforce of the Future!

The government workforce is living in the time of World War II. The current general schedule classification and pay system was designed when Harry Truman was president. The last major reform to the civil service was in 1979. It’s been more than 35 years since there were any adjustments. 35 years is a long time.Read… Read more »