Posts By Emily Jarvis

Trending Up – What Works For Government Outreach?

Matching the message to the medium is a key component for effective outreach. What else makes the cut? Wednesday, GovDelivery hosted an event on the Power of Reach in government, on how your communications can engage stakeholders to take action – online or offline – to truly drive mission value for your organization. And asRead… Read more »

The Human Element of Communications

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Google+, blogs and emails have changed the way government communicates with the public. But in order to have a true government transformation, you can’t forget about the people part of the equation. You can send out all the tweets in the world, but if no one sees them, or takes an action,Read… Read more »

Civil Service 2.0 – Reforms 60 Years in the Making

70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Those dire numbers are highlights from the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. And worst of all? Only 26 percent ofRead… Read more »

A Fantastic Voyage – Public Private Partnerships Take Off

There is a pocket of space where the government and industry are working together – and doing it well. Seriously. This is not one of my (always very funny) jokes. Collaboration really is at work between federal employees and their industry counterparts. The great news? The partnerships are totally above board. Every year the AmericanRead… Read more »

Open Data Guidelines Redux – What You Need To Know

Open data is no longer just a fad. We’re now living in a world that demands government data be open to the public. So how can agencies cope? Last year the Sunlight Foundation came out with their Open Data Policy guidelines. The goal of the guidelines was simple: get government started on the path toRead… Read more »

5 Practical Tips for Managing Your Mobile Device

You have a mobile device in the palm of your hand — great! But do you know how to use it effectively and safely? Probably not. It’s bad enough when you leave your personal device vulnerable, but when improper use of a mobile device leads to an enterprise vulnerability, you’re in big trouble. Think WikiLeaksRead… Read more »

Data Transparency in Action: New York Opens Up

Have you ever wondered how many traffic tickets New York hands out every year? Or how many health outbreaks affect the Empire State? Now, with Open NY, the state’s transparency and openness initiative, you can. Governor Andrew Cuomo initiated Open NY in 2013 to create “unprecedented transparency across all levels of government.” Now, about twoRead… Read more »

You Are Not Alone – There Are Thousands Of Women In GIS

March was Women’s History Month, what better way to honor women working with GIS in government, education, non-profit and the private sector than by putting them on the map! Dr. Linda Loubert, Assistant Professor at the Morgan State University in US, is attempting to crowdsource a map of women who work in GIS in anRead… Read more »

Can We Ever Get Off The Pay Carousel – Or Just Keep Going Around?

It seems like every few months the pay debate comes up again – or more accurately, it comes up every election cycle. Pay is a constant source of tension, but if we’re really going to solve the debate once and for all, there needs to be serious reforms to the civil service — not justRead… Read more »

Getting Rid of Do More With Less – 5 Ways Gov and Tech are Changing the Mold

“Do more with less” is the mantra that government has been singing for years. But now, the “do more with less” refrain has been transformed with technology and automation to “do better with less. “ Business process management and streamlined technologies are changing the landscape so government can actually get more done with fewer resources.Read… Read more »