Posts By Emily Jarvis

There’s No Match.Com for Mentorship

Dating sites spout all sorts of algorithms on love. They say if you join their dating service, their computers will crunch the numbers and find you the perfect match. Sometimes it works. But when it comes to government mentorship, finding the right person isn’t so calculable. There is not a match making algorithm for mentorship.Read… Read more »

NASCIO Unveils To-Do List For States – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Priority lists are commonplace in government. There are the 25-point implementation plans, the 7-year contracts and the 30-leases. However, creating a priority list of action items to be completed in the next year is rare. But that is exactly what the National Association of State Chief Information Officers have done by releasing their annual listRead… Read more »

The Power of Reach Tour – How To Get Your Message Out Effectively

It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody” The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn’t come at a press conference. ItRead… Read more »

Good Gov Comes From Good People – So Why Doesn’t Gov Care More About Hiring

Good government comes from good people. Plain and simple. You can’t accomplish anything in government, let alone make it more effective, unless you have the right people in the right jobs. This makes sense, but then why doesn’t the government focus on hiring? Why are Chief Human Capital Officers routinely excluded from a leadership seat?Read… Read more »

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Cloud Computing – RECAP

Three years ago the term cloud computing buzzed into the government space, but now a few years have passed and agencies are wondering what’s next? How do you maximize the use of cloud? How can you capitalize on its benefits? How do you avoid risk and security concerns? GovLoop and Oracle teamed-up to provide trainingRead… Read more »

The 4 A’s Government Needs to Protect Your Privacy

“You’ve been hacked.” That is the line that every person dreads waking up to in their inbox. But securing your identity and your privacy is no easy task. The government has been using identity and access management tools for years, commonly known as IAM. IAM uses a four part verification process that helps cut downRead… Read more »

How Do You Measure Metrics In A Virtual Environment?

Yesterday, we told you about the new Virtual Student Internship Program (VSFS) at the State Department. The idea is simple, recruit hundreds of interns from across the country to give 10 hours a week virtually, to different programs at the State Department. So far the program has yielded some amazing results. College students have beenRead… Read more »

Virtual and Internships – Are They The Perfect Match In Government?

Interns. They are the life-blood of Washington. Every few months, a new crop descend on DC like a swarm of driven and focused locusts, hoping to make their agency just a little bit better. But at the same time, internships can be very expensive and time consuming for agencies. So how can agencies maximize internships,Read… Read more »

Applying The Crowd Mentality to Tweeting Your Congressman – Plus Your Weekend Reads

If a tree falls in the forest and no one notices does it make a sound? The same same concept is true in the Twitterverse. If you tweet your Congressman and they don’t notice, does your tweet even make a difference? David Moore is the Executive Director of the Non-Profit Participatory Politics Foundation. Moore andRead… Read more »