Posts By Emily Jarvis

What did the shutdown mean for your TSP – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

The 16 day government shutdown had many federal employees wondering what was happening in the Thrift Savings Plan. Would their accounts be affected? Could and should they take out hardship withdrawals to get through the month? Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. The Board runs theRead… Read more »

USPS Is Still Far From Stable – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics reports the number of “open” jobs — positions that employers advertise but have not found “qualified” applicants for — has doubled from 1,900,000 jobs in June 2009 to 3,900,000 vacant positions in June 2013. Most of those positions fall in the IT category. One solutionRead… Read more »

Mind Meld – How industry and government can think together

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics reports the number of “open” jobs — positions that employers advertise but have not found “qualified” applicants for — has doubled from 1,900,000 jobs in June 2009 to 3,900,000 vacant positions in June 2013. Most of those positions fall in the IT category. “Government and Industry need to workRead… Read more »

New Insights on – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Picking the right mentor for you is a little like scrolling through potential matches on a dating site. You look at their background, interest and thoughts on the future, then take a chance and hope for a good match. But there are ways to make the mentor-matching process a bit easier.Read… Read more »

Getting the right match – Mentorship made simple

Picking the right mentor for you is a little like scrolling through potential matches on a dating site. You look at their background, interest and thoughts on the future, then take a chance and hope for a good match. But there are ways to make the mentor-matching process a bit easier. Tom Fox is theRead… Read more » A Procurement or Program Problem?

The pundits all seem to be asking, “What went wrong with the rollout of” But there is a bigger more substantial question for government. Why does government struggle with large procurements? That is the questions that Raj Sharma asked in his piece in the Public Spend Forum:, A Procurement Problem or a ProgramRead… Read more »

Are you hearing me? How to resolve workplace misunderstandings

The workplace is filled with misunderstandings both big and small. An off hand comment can send a workplace spiraling. The diversity of the government make misunderstandings even more common. Because of varied backgrounds, experiences and perceptions, employees can interpret messages from managers quite differently, leading to confusion and conflict. So how do you get aroundRead… Read more »

Discover North Carolina’s New Tech Hub, iCenter – Plus your weekend reads!

Every day it seems like tech companies unveiling new and revolutionary technologies and agencies can’t get their hands on the technologies fast enough. But there is a problem. Agencies are siloed. That means that the government often end up buying the same technology twice. North Carolina is trying to curb the problem by creating theRead… Read more »

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill.

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill. TechAmerica’s annual forecast made one thing clear, budgets are tight and they are only going to get tighter. The only way to be successful is to think and do things differently in government. But that sentiment is so much easier saidRead… Read more »