Posts By Emily Jarvis

Serving up Metric Tons of Sustainability

The Department of Energy’s Josh Silverman led efforts to halt the release of more than one million tons of the world’s most potent greenhouse gas from Energy Department facilities, the equivalent of taking over 200,000 cars off the nation’s roads every year. Silverman is the Director of the Office of Sustainability Support for the EnergyRead… Read more »

Republican Lawmakers Drop Hold on OPM Nominee – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It’s finally here, the long talked about retirement tsunami. “If you look at federal employment statistics there is not just a large percentage of folks who are eligible to retire but an increasing number of folks that are actually taking up the government on that offer,” said Tom Fox. The SEVENRead… Read more »

The Retirement Tsunami is Here…No really it is!

It’s finally here, the long talked about retirement tsunami. “If you look at federal employment statistics there is not just a large percentage of folks who are eligible to retire but an increasing number of folks that are actually taking up the government on that offer,” said Tom Fox. Fox is the Vice President forRead… Read more »

DOD Reduces Furloughs by 5 Days – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Digital Government Strategy, the Open Data Directive, the Open Data policy and the Open Data Partnership agreement are all pushing agencies to find new ways to jumpstart innovation. Hackathons are the easiest and cheapest way to do that. That seems fairly straightforward. But it’s not. What about security? Intellectual propertyRead… Read more »

Hacking towards a solution – 7 elements of a successful gov hackathon

The Digital Government Strategy, the Open Data Directive, the Open Data policy and the Open Data Partnership agreement are all pushing agencies to find new ways to jumpstart innovation. Hackathons are the easiest and cheapest way to do that. The idea is simple, get a bunch of smart and talented programmers together, provide them withRead… Read more »

Can YOU help the gov save money? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 70% of us work in an open office and deal with the daily distractions that come with it. Bloomberg’s Venessa Wong has solutions to improve your office’s layout and boost productivity. Click here for the full recap. The SEVEN stories that impact your life The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board,Read… Read more »

Can you focus at work? Distracting Colleagues? Solutions to the open office plan

About 70% of employees work in an open office right now, but that percentage is a bit lower in the federal government. An open office simply means either a totally open room or cubicles. If you are one of the 70%, you know that while the rooms can be really helpful to getting to knowRead… Read more »

President Taps A New Head for IRS – Plus the DorobekINISIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Thrift Savings Plan rebounded last month from a June dip. That’s good news for your retirement account. We go over the numbers with the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board’s Kim Weaver. The SEVEN stories that impact your life President Obama has chosen a retired corporate and government official to takeRead… Read more »

TSP Rebounds in July – A look at your retirement

The Thrift Savings Plan rebounded last month from a June dip. That’s good news for your retirement account. Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. She told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISDER program that all TSP funds posted in positive territory for the first time since April.Read… Read more »

How Do You Manage Millennials? Inspire, Adapt, Accept? – Insights from the NextGen Summit

Last week GovLoop was proud to co-host the Next Generation of Government Training Summit with Young Government Leaders. More than 500 young government professionals descended on the JW Marriott for a two day training summit that featured over 100 speakers. For anyone in attendance there was one thing that was crystal clear, these young peopleRead… Read more »