Posts By Emily Jarvis

Gone Rogue — Why being a rebel is a good thing and should the gov. make the move to alternate fuels

On today’s program Are you a rebel in your workplace? Can you be? And what does that mean? We’ll hear from a former senior executive at the CIA — who professes being a rebel in the workplace. We’ll hear what that means… and how you can be a rebel. Click here for the full story.Read… Read more »

Think Sustainability — Could alternate fuels save billions?

The American Clean Skies foundation is out with their new plan that aims to reduce the government’s consumption of oil – and the fiscal and environmental costs that come with it – by requiring federal agencies to apply to third-­‐party transportation providers the same kind of alternative fuel targets, efficiency standards and reporting practices thatRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: GSA’s Steve Kempf takes medical leave

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 30th of July, 2012 Congress is one step closer to reaching a funding deal that would avert government shutdown on September 30th. Politico reports that this six-month funding resolution would avert a messy budget fight right before elections in November. The expiration of Bush-era tax-cutsRead… Read more »

Leading with Risk

Making decisions is never easy — and some might argue that it is even more challenging today because things change SO quickly. How do you make the best decisions? That is one of the issues we’ll be talking about later this month at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit taking place July 26-27 hereRead… Read more »

NextGen Speaker Frank DiGiammarino breaks down his career guide

Happy Thursday! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »

Never too young to plan – TSP and beyond

Next generation of Government Summit — Never Too Young to Plan – Financial Planning from TSP to Insurance Nicolas Troy Abrams, Founder, AJW Financial Partners Erin Doyle, Benefits Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs Rebecca Schreiber, Certified Financial Planner, Solid Ground Financial Planning Bobby Whiteside, Client 4 Life Insurance and Financial Services Getting your hands aroundRead… Read more »

Beyond the Conference — More insights from NextGen Speakers

Happy Friday!!!! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »

Early lessons learned from the Colorado shooting

Happy Wednesday! An abbreviated edition of the DorobekINSIDER today as we are all gearing up for the Next Generation of Government Training Summit, which starts Thursday right here in Washington, DC. If you’ve never been, it is an awesome experience — and not just for young people. Hear the new administrator of the Office ofRead… Read more »

Ranking Agency Innovation and Making Open Data Work

Happy Tuesday just days away from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. We sure hope to see you starting Thursday. On Today’s Program Government innovation — yes, I know people don’t believe those two words can go together. Insights about what YOU think about government innovation from a just released report. We’ll talk toRead… Read more »