“Two-Pizza Rule” for Meetings
Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos, adheres to a strict rule called the “two pizza rule.” If two pizzas cannot feed the entire group in a meeting, he will not attend. Here’s how you can use that rule to improve your meetings.
Communications, Leadership, Professional Development
Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos, adheres to a strict rule called the “two pizza rule.” If two pizzas cannot feed the entire group in a meeting, he will not attend. Here’s how you can use that rule to improve your meetings.
Analytics, Artificial Intelligence
Algorithms play an important part of our every day lives and will continue to grow and expand. Here’s what algorithms and the future of government could look like.
There are many work lessons in sports. Ranging from team spirit to adaptability and endurance, sports can teach us much about ourselves that we can apply to our organizations.
Communications, Professional Development
Communication in the workplace is often the hardest skills to develop and improve upon. One of the biggest challenges to workplace communication is learning to say “no.” Here’s how you can do it and help your teams in the most effective way.
What can you learn from this TED Talks speaker about data visualization and effective storytelling?
Miscommunication is something to avoid, especially in the office because it causes confusion and uneven expectations. Here’s how you can practice clear communication.
Here’s how I applied the five stages of project management to our SharePoint journey.
Here are the three most important dimensions of a good leader.
Here are some resources to help develop some new skills in 2018.
The red bead experiment is a useful tool to facilitate the discussion of addressing problems at work. It also highlights the interactive role between management and workers that involves trust in order to problem solve.