Posts By Franco Amalfi

Smart Cities With a Purpose

Whether you live in a small town or large metropolis, you might be noticing profound changes in the way you interact with local government. Cities around the world – from San Francisco to Singapore and many in between – are leveraging emerging technologies to deploy smart, connected cities.

Data Analytics Helps Agencies Transform Government

Business users know that if they had better access to the mounds of data available to them they could make more informed and better business decisions and they could be looking ahead not backwards. We finally have modern user-friendly data analytics tools available to do just that.

Is the Next Generation of Government Citizen Services in Chat Bots?

The phrase “customer service” has often sounded like an oxymoron to anyone who has endured interminable lines at the DMV, navigated maze-like call centers, or even attempted to get a simple answer from a website. Help could be on the way – and sooner than you think.