Posts By Hannah Moss

Why You Shouldn’t Do the Office Housework

Multiple studies show that women are far more often requested to do administrative and social tasks at the workplace. While is unequally distribution of tasks may seem like a mild annoyance, it actually can play a big role in continuing workplace gender inequality.

Ready Your Workforce for Cloud

Organizational support for cloud migrations is critical. In order to successfully migrate, agencies must not only have a technical infrastructure that can accommodate the new technology. They also require an organizational willingness and supporting skillsets to accommodate different management and cost structures.

How to Advance Women’s Issues from City Hall

The Boston Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement was established in 2014. Only two years later, it’s already made significant process towards its goals of increasing women’s representation inside City Hall and within the city-at-large. In a recent interview, the Office’s Executive Director Megan Costello discussed how they’ve managed to so rapidly grow and become an impactfulRead… Read more »