Should I Follow My Passion?
I often find myself caught in between a stereotypical “millennial” world of doing what you love, following your dreams, etc., and the stereotypical “boomer” world of life never goes your way nor should it.
I often find myself caught in between a stereotypical “millennial” world of doing what you love, following your dreams, etc., and the stereotypical “boomer” world of life never goes your way nor should it.
How to address confrontation within yourself, with others, and throughout your life.
If you are aware of your own strengths, you will begin to value your contributions. Even better, if you are aware of those around you, you can help others grow and contribute more meaningfully.
Rest is something to prepare for, and almost fight for.
It is the actions of people that create an environment, and the environment that then sustains and nurtures a people. It is one action, day by day, one person at a time, that will contribute to a healthy environment.
“As of right now, you’ve already made it through the most difficult day of your life.” How can fitness teach us about life?
12 things your average contracting officer would like for Christmas.
Just like language, food is an expression of culture. You learn so much about families, communities, and people by the food they make and serve.
We’ll never get anywhere if we assume every path in front of us is overly complex and beyond us. Assume that your challenge is simple, and start with that next step.
For me, the idea that boundaries could be pleasant seemed incredibly foreign. But when you need to establish boundaries, that need makes itself known sooner or later, whether you like it or not.