Posts By John Bordeaux

Disturbing, this Distributing Cognition

For the umpteenth time, I yelled up the stairs to my teenaged daughter – the most unflappable human I knew. “Did you put the garbage out?” “Ok,” came the laconic response. “Ok? How is that an answer? Why do I have to remind you every week?” Minutes later, she bumbled down the stairs with aRead… Read more »


I enjoyed a pleasant email exchange recently with someone who referenced an earlier (infamous?) blog posting regarding what I witnessed as the death of Knowledge Management in the U.S. Department of Defense. Without rehashing that work, I was interested to see that the post was circulating again. I’m happy to be updated on what IRead… Read more »

To Dream is to Question

More research indicating that our inner capabilities for perception, understanding, and imagination are not three separate activities in our brains – but rather an intertwined set of abilities directed at prediction. We have an efficiency unmatched by any computer: we notice and process only that information about our world that does not match our predictiveRead… Read more »

Are These Data?

A few years ago, I answered the phone. I’ve since learned my lesson and silenced the landline. When someone leaves a message there now, the tiny blue light flickers forlornly until I log on to the interwebs to listen and laugh at the voice mail. For those particularly entertaining, I forward to my wife’s emailRead… Read more »

Organizing the Commons

My colleague, Gadi Ben-Yehuda, is deep into a discussion about using hashtags on Twitter and of strategies for broadcasting to certain audiences. His use of certain terms raised a few hackles, and he asked me to share my thoughts. Once I reviewed the conversation, I have to agree with the Tribe of the Raised Hackles.Read… Read more »

Summering from Behind

Some time ago, some media sources characterized the U.S. Administration’s military involvement in Libya and Syria as ‘leading from behind.’ I heard this phrase and thought: ”interesting, they’re taking a nuanced and shared approach to a conflict where our national security interests may be threatened but not clear.” Having been honored to spend a goodRead… Read more »

Why Google+ will Kill Facebook

Google+ is to Facebook for privacy as Facebook is to SharePoint for utilty. For Utility: Facebook (and social media writ large) begins with the conversation as metaphor. Sharepoint begins (and ends) with the document as the metaphor. It was built with the belief that business users collaborate around producing documents. Social media presumes people haveRead… Read more »