3 Pillars to Digital Government
The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) recently celebrated its one year anniversary. The goal of the legislation is to improve the way citizens interact with the federal government.
The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) recently celebrated its one year anniversary. The goal of the legislation is to improve the way citizens interact with the federal government.
Real digital transformation starts by assessing your “digital maturity.” This requires a comprehensive, top-to-bottom examination of how you operate today.
Last month, as a part of the Cloud Smart strategy, OMB released a draft of a new memo on the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI). The memo seeks to maintain the overall goal of closing or consolidating data centers, based on a new definition. There are a number of new metrics in the memo around… Read more »
Analytics, Big Data, Emerging Tech, Leadership
The amount of personal data collected by organizations is staggering. As Facebook and Cambridge Analytica taught us, the opportunity to abuse data is overwhelming. For these reasons, we need to embrace the concept of data ethics.
By now, we’ve all heard how the President’s Management Agenda sets bold goals for IT modernization. A vital element of the PMA is the creation of a Federal Data Strategy. This is a wise choice. Data is the oil and the key to our digital government.
It’s true that all hardware products rely on software. What makes the current software-defined movement different, and not just a buzzword, is the decoupling of hardware and software.
As a an experienced leader, I’d like to share a few of my Springsteen favorite lyrics and how they inform my leadership philosophy.
Career, Leadership, Professional Development
How do you add a second mirror to make your leadership blind spots visible? Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. It takes hard work.
The Cloud Smart strategy should sync with the data governance requirements in the Federal Data Strategy for agencies to have a comprehensive view of their data.
Career, Leadership, Professional Development
Wise mind leaders pick the right way to engage at the right time. They are able to shift the organization from action to consideration, and back, with a fluidity that creates opportunity and value.