My Key Executive Leadership Program Journey
Here are some nuggets of wisdom about leadership I picked up during my recent journey that I hope will be beneficial for your own leadership journey.
Here are some nuggets of wisdom about leadership I picked up during my recent journey that I hope will be beneficial for your own leadership journey.
We all have hectic schedules. But, we should make sure we’re not the proverbial hamster on the wheel, running fast but never reaching the end of any task. Time management is the key!
We should be our own biggest cheerleaders. That’s because how we see ourselves largely dictates our actions.
To be great communicators and advocates, we must first become an outstanding audience for others. Here are some tips to listen actively and effectively.
Asking questions at the right time and in the right manner can make our advocacy even more powerful. But it’s not surprising that we often leave this important tool lying in our toolbox.
Can you think of a single professional endeavor that doesn’t require strong communication skills to be successful?
Self-confidence can be predicted by body language, behavior, how you speak and what you say. Use these tips as a quick booster shot for your confidence!
Representation, identity and diversity are the themes of this year’s Black History Month, according to the organization behind the event.
Let’s talk about how to package your successful change management efforts when you’re called upon to lead change.
Here are some simple tips I have used during my own career that might help you be more purposeful and on target with your career goals in 2021.