Posts By Kitty Wooley

Joichi Ito (MIT Media Lab) & Rolf Heuer (CERN) on innovation, dot-connecting and other things

Yesterday I was made aware of a discussion between two brilliant men that was uploaded to YouTube Sunday at the Ars Electronica Festival. The first nine minutes provide a couple of perspectives on innovation, but more that, listen to Joi Ito’s reasons for accepting his new position as Director of the MIT Media Lab.

A solution to “not enough time”

Rachael Happe, groundbreaking co-founder of The Community Roundtable, has just written an incredibly important post entitled, Communities – The New Strategic Imperative. I urge you to read and consider it. Some managers and executives I know have expressed what I’ll characterize as desperation at the speed at which things are running, and the fact thatRead… Read more »

“Refine, Retool, Collaborate: The Future is Now”

What a fitting title for AABPA’s May 11th 2011 Spring Symposium. Check it out. The year before last, I noticed that the eclectic membership of this group is connecting way more energetically than is the norm for an association, learning from each other and promoting excellence and renewal in the disciplines of budget and programRead… Read more »

Civil Protection 2.0 – More from Elena Rapisardi in Tuscany

Some of you will remember an earlier blog post about the webconference that Elena Rapisardi and I convened, in January, 2010, among people in Virginia, New Orleans, Boston, Italy (University of Ferrara campus) and in Dublin, with the generous assistance of Management Concepts staff. Elena, a member of the GovLoop community, continues her groundbreaking effortsRead… Read more »

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Supvy. Intn’l Vis. Exch. Spec, GS-130-15 (State Department)

This job closes January 6. If you’re already working in government, use the top link; if not, use the bottom link. If you have questions, use the contact information inside each listing. Happy Holidays, and good luck! Govt. Wide**&FedEmp=Y&FedPub=Y&jbf521=GS&jbf574=ST00&lid=316&sort=rv%2c-dtex&vw=d&brd=3876&ss=0&caller=%2fa9st00.asp&pg=5&re=3&AVSDM=2010-12-20+14%3a31%3a00 All Sources**&FedEmp=Y&FedPub=Y&jbf521=GS&jbf574=ST00&lid=316&sort=rv%2c-dtex&vw=d&brd=3876&ss=0&caller=%2fa9st00.asp&pg=5&re=3&AVSDM=2010-12-20+14%3a28%3a00