Take Phishing Off-Line With an End-to-End Strategy
Phishing tactics have steadily evolved, either in response to new defensive measures from security companies, increased awareness among users or a change in attackers’ priorities.
Phishing tactics have steadily evolved, either in response to new defensive measures from security companies, increased awareness among users or a change in attackers’ priorities.
The government has no shortage of data, and an increasing amount of it resides in the cloud, making a cloud-based solution that integrates and manages that data from the start optimal for DR.
The golden rule of security is to always be prepared.
DevSecOps, which is now established as the “industry best practice for rapid, secure software development,” presents the optimal path for DoD and other organizations.
A comprehensive COOP plan will allow agencies to be resilient rather than reactive. It takes into account partnerships, people and assets.
The DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Initiative will help the department keep pace with rapid software development and the ever-shifting cybersecurity landscape.
The answer lies not in being able to predict the next crisis but in being prepared for whatever it may be.
When it comes to innovation, agencies are pinning much of their hopes on analytics, particularly when putting their vast stores of data to use.
For the Defense Department, the baseline reality is that its software acquisition process hasn’t been keeping pace with warfighters’ needs, particularly when the commercial sector — and adversaries — push new capabilities into use quickly.
The President’s Management Agenda, which established the framework for IT modernization two years ago, leans heavily on innovation. And although agencies have made progress in modernization on several fronts, adoption of innovative technologies hasn’t been seamless.