Target Your Resume
Tips for creating a targeted, reader-friendly impressive application for federal jobs.
Tips for creating a targeted, reader-friendly impressive application for federal jobs.
If you’re aching to leave your current job, you might be tempted to lunge at any seemingly reasonable job offer. But if you accept an offer without fully understanding its pros and cons, you might only end up jumping from the fire to the frying pan.
As the saying goes, “If it’s not in writing, it didn’t happen.” For your work life, this means: The more you document an important event, the easier it will be for you to prove that it happened.
If you receive a federal job offer as a non-fed (including as a federal contractor, Fellow or returning fed), you probably have the most negotiating power you will ever have in your federal career.
Your interviewer will probably begin your next job interview with the standard opener: “Tell me about yourself.” How can you ace this question and make a great first impression?
Have an itch to switch to a new job? If so, here is some information about federal salaries to help you strategize your move.
Here are 10 experience-based tips to help you accelerate your ascent up the federal career ladder.
An impressive cover letter will probably make a great first impression to hiring managers — which is key to landing an interview.
Why you should structure your description of your achievements as success stories in job interviews.
The first rule about checking references of job applicants is to check references; don’t forgo reference checks on the assumption that speaking to a reference will automatically be like speaking to the president of your applicant’s fan club. In reality, even enthusiastic references are often surprisingly candid about an applicant’s limitations. What’s more, reference checksRead… Read more »