In 2020, What If…?
Breaking down silos creates the connections necessary for governments to withstand reduced resources, a shifting workforce, and political uncertainty. It makes the load lighter.
Breaking down silos creates the connections necessary for governments to withstand reduced resources, a shifting workforce, and political uncertainty. It makes the load lighter.
As we enter 2020, public sector leaders should look for cascading instances of governments benefiting in practical ways from the cloud, with an eye toward how such a move can help jurisdictions reach their unique goals.
Government agencies, as well as businesses, use data to drive priorities, make strategic decisions, and provide services. But what happens when people within or across agencies draw from different silos of data?
Technology provides huge opportunities for empowering citizens and expanding access to justice. Courts need to harvest technology in order to stay relevant. ODR is a powerful way to do that.
Actionable insights are helping public safety agencies and their partners across the country close cases, identify bodies, and reduce fatal overdoses. Here are some examples.
Data analytics are a game-changer for jurisdictions across the country, providing insight so leaders can ask – and answer – questions that can transform communities.
All of us with tight budgets should consider partnerships, resource sharing, and managed threat detection options to stay ahead of cyberthreats and avoid potentially devastating loss.
To not only survive but flourish in a world of data, governments need a long-term strategy centered around building a strong digital foundation.
The use of AI and open data holds great potential for communicating important information to residents.
Access to and insight from data across the government canlead to an effective, proactive development plan with financially successful outcomes.