Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

3 Ways to Connect People to Process for IT Excellence

This is part two of a blog series focused on the importance on making the right IT deployment decisions to drive innovation, and focusing on connecting people to process while making IT investment decisions. Read part 1 here. Improvements to government services are powered by these kinds of technology adoptions. But the element that weRead… Read more »

Can IT Save Government?

There are many fascinating trends shaping government today. Across the federal landscape, we hear about big data, cloud, mobile and going paperless as technology saviors for government. But even the best technology may not be enough. To truly change how government does business, we need the ability to connect people and process. Regardless of theRead… Read more »

Why Geography Matters More Than Ever Before

In today’s world, geography matters more than ever before. Our ability to understand how our actions impact location is essential to building safer and more resilient communities. Mastering geography is the key to gain insights to deliver improved services. It’s helping government see environmental impacts, analyze demographics and gain knowledge of the context and contentRead… Read more »

The Inside Track on Open Data

There’s no denying that today’s technology provides immense opportunity to transform the way government engages with citizens. Through mobile, cloud, GIS and social media, government can be where the citizens are, and provide critical services when needed. At the heart of this technological transformation lies data. That’s why so many agencies have committed themselves toRead… Read more »

It’s Judgment Day: Microsoft Ends Support for Windows XP

Today Microsoft has ended support of Windows XP. If you’re using a computer with XP, it’s essential that you take the proper steps now to upgrade your computer. Starting today, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Windows XP. This includes support for security updates, patch vulnerabilities and malware – supportRead… Read more »

The Building Blocks for Resilient Communities

In today’s environment, you’re challenged to stay resilient no matter what trials your community faces. State, local and county governments must operate efficiently regardless of weather, economic downturns or increasing demands from constituents. Technology offers you the chance to build for the future in a way that allows for foundational strength – as well asRead… Read more »

Two Keys to Making Mobile Matter for Government

The fast-paced mobile industry keeps even the most tech-savvy on their toes. It seems like every week a new smartphone, wearable device, or tablet is being released. And there is certainly a market for all these devices and emerging technology. Just look at some data from a recent Pew study on mobile technology: 90% ofRead… Read more »

Esri Leading the Charge with President’s Climate Data Initiative

On Wednesday, March 19, the White House, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), hosted an event highlighting the Administrations commitment to combating climate change and building resilient communities. “Climate change and preparing for its impacts is one of the challenges this nation faces,”Read… Read more »

Learn What Your Building is Telling You: Smarter Buildings Digital Resources

Our buildings are creating troves of data, which deserve careful study and analysis. To explore this dynamic, GovLoop and the IBM® Smarter Buildings Team have partnered to provide you with the need-to-know information on how to transform your agency by unlocking your building data. We have created a white paper, conducted an online training webinarRead… Read more »