Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

Do You Know What Government’s $80 Billion Problem Is?

Today, your agency is collecting more data than ever before. For many agencies, they are not only challenged by the volume, velocity and variety of data, but also extracting meaningful insights from the information. It’s fair to say that the world has become data-driven. Government agencies are well aware: data will shape the agency ofRead… Read more »

It’s Finally Here: The Citizen Engagement Tool Congress Has Been Waiting For

Here on GovLoop we’ve written and shared stories of how GIS has transformed executive level agencies. Yet, GIS is being used in more than just executive agencies. The legislative branch has also caught on to the power of GIS. Tim Petty, Deputy Legislative Director for Senator James Risch (R – Idaho), shared several examples ofRead… Read more »

How Popvox Can Improve National Dialogue

Marci Harris, founder of Popvox, recently spoke at a GovLoop and Esri meetup. Harris said, “We [Popvox] are a neutral, nonpartisan platform for civic engagement and legislative information.” Harris also provide insights to way she founded the company, “The idea of Popvox was to connect the world, advocacy groups, congress and people sharing their ideasRead… Read more »

6 Ways to Keep Your Data Secure

Government agencies are collecting more data than ever before. With the increasing amount of data that agencies store, manage and collect, agencies must create robust strategies to protect data from being compromised. Recently, I spoke with John Barrett, Senior Manager Systems Engineering for Public Sector, Symantec on how agencies can minimize insider threats and keepRead… Read more »

What Does it Take to Excel With Big Data?

Ever feel like there is data everywhere – yet not an insight to be found? It’s a common challenge facing organizations today, especially as organizations are flooded with information. The good news is that we are just getting started with big data, and innovations will continue to accelerate as regulations take hold, infrastructures are built,Read… Read more »

How to Build Your Foundation for IT Innovation

There are a lot of interesting trends shaping government – the move to self-service platforms, cloud, mobile and leveraging big data. Although these trends are unique, one constant is that across all emerging trends, they are powered by documents. Proper document management is essential to deliver services in new ways and improve internal efficiencies. AsRead… Read more »

How GIS and Maps Improve Public Discourse

One of the technologies that is going to be shaping government drastically in the coming years is GIS. GIS holds the ability to extract knowledge from big data, leverage the cloud for efficiencies, improve communications with citizens and help drive improved decision making for organizations. We’ve written quite a bit about the power of GISRead… Read more »

Half of Government Employees Fear Phishing Attacks

In our recent GovLoop survey, we found that 49% of respondents are most concerned about phishing attacks. Below, I wanted to share a case study from our recent guide, Winning the Cybersecurity Battle, and offer 3 solutions to avoid falling victim to cyber attacks. We’ve all probably received an email that is a phishing attempt.Read… Read more »