Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

10 Questions to Ask Prior to Making IT Investments

In both the private and public sector, the need for increased operational efficiencies and cost reductions are driving IT adoption. The challenge for organizations today is that even though adoption is essential to transform their organization, an emphasis must be placed on preparing for future operational needs. This is a challenging balance for government organizationsRead… Read more »

Measuring the ROI of Crime Analytics: Case Study from Lancaster, California

This is the final blog post of the Smarter Cities: Building Safer Communities in the Digital Age series. This series explores how analytics has empowered the street level bureaucrat, redefining the way public safety officials keep communities safe. Across the country, public safety organizations are leveraging crime analytics to improve efficiencies and connecting employees toRead… Read more »

3 Threats to Keeping Data Secure

In a fast-moving digital world that we are currently living in, our data and information is constantly at risk of being exposed or compromised. For government agencies, maintaining strict governance policies and educating users is essential. Government agencies collect a variety of data on citizens, from the day we are born and throughout our entireRead… Read more »

The StartUp Agency – A Case Study on the Consumer Financial and Protection Bureau (CFPB)

This afternoon, GovLoop and WordPress are hosting an event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of WordPress websites and the robust scalable CMS services of the websites. At the event, government employees were connectedRead… Read more »

The Power of WordPress for Government: Exploring

This afternoon, GovLoop and WordPress are hosting an event, Do More With What You Have: Experience WordPress in Government, highlighting the power of WordPress to modernize and optimize government websites. The event included numerous case studies of WordPress websites and the robust scalable CMS services of the websites. At the event, government employees were connectedRead… Read more »

Understanding the Potential of Big Data and GIS

In the private sector, big data has been used to improve customer engagements, gain efficiencies in processing requests, streamline internal processes and even as a means to have information tailored to suit a customer’s specific needs. Although the way we measure success is different between the private and public sector, the general theme is theRead… Read more »

Leveraging Crime Analytics: Miami-Dade County Blue PALMS Program

This is part 1 of 3 of a blog series, Smarter Cities: Building Safer Communities in the Digital Age. This series explores how analytics has empowered the street level bureaucrat, redefining the way public safety officials keep communities safe. Across the country, public safety organizations have leveraged crime analytics to improve efficiencies, connect workers andRead… Read more »

Big Data Insights from Indiana CIO: Paul Baltzell

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Paul Baltzell, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Indiana. Baltzell and I talked through some of the challenges and lessons learned while implementing a big data initiative at the state level. Like most public sector entities, the State of Indiana has just started to explore big data opportunities.Read… Read more »

Google Creates 30 Year Timelapse of Environmental Changes on Earth

One of my favorite sites to read is The Atlantic Cities, I always seem to find interesting stories and insights on innovative public sector programs. One story that caught my eye was “A Terrifying, Fascinating Timelapse of 30 Years of Human Impact on Earth.”(Go here to see the Timelapse Project, it’s absolutely fascinating.) In thisRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Adoption

Mobile in government continues to be one of the most pertinent topics facing public sector administrators. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports, “As of December 2012, 87% of American adults have a cell phone, and 45% have a smartphone. As of January 2013, 26% of American adults own an e-book reader, and 31%Read… Read more »