Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

5 Ways to Create the Virtuous Cycle of Citizen Engagement

Conversations on citizen engagement tend to discuss the proper role of government and explore the proper engagement levels of citizens. Yet, before any of those important conversations can take place, agencies need to focus on setting the proper citizen engagement foundation, which will allow organizations to build new and innovative citizen engagement strategies. Post HighlightsRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Make Compelling Maps

For centuries, civilization has focused on using maps as a form of communication. To lead you down a rabbit hole, I was curious on famous cartographers, and individuals who helped shape modern cartography. Thankfully, Wikipedia provided me with a great list of cartographers, and the work they have done to shape modern cartography. Yet, theRead… Read more »

GovLoop & Esri Meet Up In Review: Story Maps

Last week, GovLoop and Esri hosted a GIS meet up, GovLoop & Esri MeetUp: Story Maps, the presentations featured Chris Liedel, President of Smithsonian Ventures and Lee Bock and Stephen Sylvia, who provided insights on how to leverage Story Maps templates. Post Highlights Be sure to view GovLoop’s recent interview with Esri President Jack DangermondRead… Read more »

What’s the Real Value of Education?

This weekend, my friend sent me the video below. Can keep the post quick, but the video really hit home for me. If you know anyone graduating from college, make sure you send them the video to watch. Although it’s geared for recent graduates, the message of the power to make a conscious choice toRead… Read more »

In Review: Symantec’s Annual Government Internet Security Threat Report (GISTR)

Cyberespionage and targeted attacks are on the rise-by 42%, according to Symantec’s annual Government Internet Security Threat Report (GISTR) report. This latest finding and others were published in Symantec’s annual Government Internet Security Threat Report (GISTR) report, which takes a year of security intelligence and knowledge collected from Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network. The report providesRead… Read more »

How GIS Can Help Organizations Manage Facilities

On April 18, GovLoop and Esri held a meetup for GIS professionals to learn how to extend the value of GIS investments by leveraging facilities management data. Facilities data is a growing trend within the GIS community. One of the biggest costs for any organization is asset and facilities management. With proper facilities management, organizationsRead… Read more »

5 Ways Government Is Using Social Media for Mission Impact

Social media has transformed the way government engages with citizens. In our recent guide, GovLoop staff took a comprehensive look at how agencies are leveraging social media to meet their mission objectives. The report: The Social Media Experiment in Government: Elements of Excellence, included a survey from the GovLoop community and expert interviews on socialRead… Read more »

Exploring Software-Defined Storage for Organizations

In today’s world, government agencies are collecting data like never before. As agencies continue to be challenged to manage the volume, velocity and variety of data, agencies are looking at new ways to unlock the power of data to transform service delivery and find new business efficiencies. This has led to advances in the wayRead… Read more »