Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

9 Sources of Cyber Threats Highlighted in GAO Report

Cyber attacks pose a significant threat to our nation. With the recent release of President Obama’s Executive Order, Improving Critical Infrastructure: Cybersecurity, and a companion policy directive for federal agencies, there has rightfully been an emphasis placed on cyber security. Although both pieces of information are steps in the right direction, they also are anRead… Read more »

How Big Data and Location Analytics are Impacting GIS for Government

Post Highlights Esri and GovLoop hosted a meetup for the GIS community Presentations include insights on how big data and location analytics are impacting GIS for government GIS now has implications for non-traditional users, and agencies can leverage current IT investments along with GIS Yesterday GovLoop and Esri hosted a meetup for the GIS community,Read… Read more »

5 Steps to Leveraging Analytics in the Public Sector

The following post is an expert of GovLoop’s recent report: Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics. The report features 10 steps to leveraging analytics in the public sector, to read all 10 tips, be sure to view the guide below. Post Highlights Be sure to view GovLoop’s recent report Unlocking the Power of Government AnalyticsRead… Read more »

Exploring How GIS Can Be Used to Manage Facilities and Plan Campuses

There are dozens of applications as to how GIS can be used to improve the public sector, everything from improving service delivery, gaining efficiency, and monitoring and assessing government programs. One emerging area of GIS is the use of GIS to help plan and optimize facilities. Public sector organizations operate and maintain thousands of facilities,Read… Read more »

How Can We Improve Citizen Engagement Initiatives? Here’s 5 Ways.

Citizen participation is at the foundation of democratic values, and is a fascinating area of study. When citizen participation programs are implemented effectively, more citizens are brought into the decision making process, and allows government to be more responsive to community needs. Additionally, citizen engagement initiatives have the ability to build community, grow leaders, andRead… Read more »

In Review: President Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order

President Obama’s long awaited executive order on cyber security was released earlier this month. Along with the Executive Order, Improving Critical Infrastructure: Cybersecurity, the administration also released a companion policy directive for federal agencies. Although both documents are a step in the right direction for security efforts, legislative action by Congress remains essential to combatRead… Read more »

Exploring How Enterprise Content Management Improves Workflows and Organizational Efficiencies

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology is helping to transform how government delivers services. The post below briefly highlights ECM technology and the benefits of ECM. Government is certainly in a transitional period as to how services are delivered, and core to this transition is freeing government of the burden of paper, and placing workers, staff,Read… Read more »

3 Benefits of Location Analytics for the Public Sector

Location analytics is helping to guide the next phase of GIS. This post highlights three benefits of location analytics for organizations, the post pays special attention as to how traditional business intelligence tools and Esri’s ArcGIS platform is transforming how government delivers services. You can view the GovLoop Industry Perspectice: ArcGIS as a Platform online,Read… Read more »