Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

Top Challenges for a Project Manager

Project management is an interesting area of study for government. On GovLoop, we have lots of great resources for project managers, we even have a great upcoming training for government employees during our Government Innovators Online Summit show on Thursday, here are the details: Project Management Survival Guide- 3:30-4:30PM EST Government is becoming more andRead… Read more »

Panel Discussion at MicroPact 462 Conference: Social Media and EEO Policy

On Wednesday, I will be sitting on a panel for MicroPact’s 462 10th Annual Conference: The Changing Landscape on EEO in the Federal Workplace. Speaking at events like this are typically one of my favorite parts of my job – it’s always great to connect directly with government employees to really learn first hand aboutRead… Read more »

5 Ways Social Media Has Transformed Government

I hope you’ll join me next Thursday for the GovLoop’s Government Innovator’s Online Summit, this post will provide some further insights to the State of Government Social Media session, which will occur from 11:30 to 12:30. During this webinar we will discuss how to define social media metrics, best practices on Facebook, Twitter and emergingRead… Read more »

How First Amendment Rights Impact Public Sector Employees and Social Media

Last month, I wrote about the importance of government employees and the Hatch Act. Today, I wanted to spend some time talking about Freedom of Speech and what kind of protections public sector employees are entitled to under the First Amendment. Over the years, Courts have made a clear distinction between the rights entitled toRead… Read more »

Strategies to Get Through Writers Block

We’ve all been there, staring at a blank document or sheet of paper, trying to get started writing a blog, essay or a report. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings, and when pressed up against deadlines, the anxiety to produce increases. Over the last few months, I’ve been writing, researching, blogging quite a bitRead… Read more »

Finding Efficiency with Data Center Consolidation

This post is part of GovLoop’s ongoing blog series around one of our latest resources, Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap. In the guide, the most pressing technology trends are identified. The guide is intended to provide a broad spectrum of government technology. Our blog series will dive deeper into each section, so be sure toRead… Read more »

Learn How You Can Leverage API’s at Your Agency

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are quickly being used more often in government. API’s, to put it simply, are a set of rules how systems can interact with each other. API’s allow developers access to agencies data, which can be used to make engaging mobile content and innovative uses of data for improved citizen engagement. API’sRead… Read more »

Analytics: The New Path to Value

A recent report from IBM, Analytics: The New Path to Value, highlights how successful organizations have implemented the use of analytics into their organization. The report partners with the MIT Sloan institute to provide an insightful take on analytics, and how the structured use of data can open up new insights and drive stronger decision-makingRead… Read more »

White House Releases Bring Your Own Device Tool-Kit

This week there is a lot exciting news surrounding government technology. Yesterday, Todd Park and Steven VanRoekel announced the Presidential Innovation Fellows, and also announced a BYOD tool kit for government agencies. The report is an important step to wider adoption of bring-your-own-device policies in government, and empowers leaders in government to explore if BYODRead… Read more »