Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

Live Blog from the Esri International User Conference

This week I am attending the Esri User International Conferencein the beautiful City of San Diego. Esri was founded in 1969 by current Esri President Jack Dangermond and his wife, Laura. Esri is an acronym for Environment Systems Research Institute. The Esri website states, “Esri’s early mission was to organize and analyze geographic information toRead… Read more »

Big Data: Integrate for Insight

Big data continues to be one of the hottest trends in government. A recent report from Oracle, Integrate for Insight, states, “Enterprises must learn to understand how best to leverage big data soon, since the amount of data being generated shows no signs of slowing down.” With the adoption of social channels by government, citizens,Read… Read more »

Farm Service Agency Improves Digital Communications Strategy

Moving from paper based communications to digital is never an easy process. With increasing use of the web and the changing norms of how people consume information, a sound digital communications strategy is key to reach stakeholders. Recently, the USDA’s Farm Service Agency has made the switch to provide farmers with more information digitally. ARead… Read more »

GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning: Be Proactive – Develop a Workforce Plan

This is the fourth blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. This week weRead… Read more »

Announcing Google Maps Coordinate: Transforming Collaboration During a Crisis

Google has recently announced a new service, Google Maps Coordinate, which helps to organize teams on the move. The new innovative service holds a lot promise for government, especially in regard to emergency management. Google Maps Coordinate allows employees in the field to work with dispatchers back at crisis centers to coordinate where to sendRead… Read more »

10 Benefits of Executive Coaching

FCG has a variety of resources on their website, although the guide, The FCG Executive Coaching Guide, Steps for a Successful Coaching Partnership was published in 2002, there is a lot useful information, and shows how an executive coach can help improve performance within an agency. One section of the guide identifies that traditionally thereRead… Read more »

The Art of Map Making – How Great Maps Tell Compelling Stories

I recently read a blog post by Bern Szukalski, There’s Something about a Map, on the ESRI blog, Bern states, “There’s something about a good map. It’s hard for me to describe exactly what that something is, but like many of us involved with GIS and geographic information, I’ve always been drawn to and fascinatedRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation’s 33 Recommendations for Open Data Policies

This morning I was reading a recent blog post by Laurenellen McCann, Open Data Policy Guidelines, from the Sunlight Foundation. I found the blog post fascinating, and believed this would be a great resource for the GovLoop community to check out, especially if you are involved in Gov 2.0 or open data initiatives within yourRead… Read more »

Blue CRUSH: Fighting Crime With Predictive Policing

When we think about Memphis, Tennessee, traditionally we think about great music and fantastic barbecue. Now, we can add a third trait, which is an innovative and transformative way to fight crime. Larry Godwin, Director of Police Services, Memphis Police Department, recently was profiled in an IBM Smarter Planet Leadership Series Report, highlighting the “BlueRead… Read more »