Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

Top 5 Traits of a Great Infographic

Infographics have become an extremely powerful way for government agencies to quickly and efficiently synthesize complex data for citizens. In terms of data, you typically have people in two camps – the folks who want to see the raw data file and manipulate data accordingly and then the people who want to find information quicklyRead… Read more »

GovLoop Industry Perspective: Honolulu 311 Case Study

The following post is an excerpt from the GovLoop Industry Perspective Case Study featuring the Honolulu 311 mobile app. This is part of the GovLoop Industry Perspective Series. You can view the entire case study below or view here. The Honolulu 311 Mobile App is powered by CitySourced. In early 2012, the City of HonoluluRead… Read more »

Join Our Research Study: Can Government Create Great Customer Service?

Take 5 minutes and help us, help you. Take the GovLoop Customer Service in Government Survey. Survey Link I’m conducting a research study on “Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government.” Our study hopes to understand current trends in government customer service and opportunities for improvement.The results of this survey will be used to create a GovLoopRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Government Communications

I just watched a video from GovDelivery client Ann Marie Felicio, Public Affairs Specialist at Tricare. Ann Marie explains some of the benefits of GovDelivery and their products and services. There are a lot of interesting take-aways from the video, and it is interesting to consider how technology is helping to leverage efficiencies how agenciesRead… Read more »

10 Questions Every Project Manager Should Ask

At some point in our careers, we are all project managers. Our leadership style shines through and we are tasked to lead a team towards success. Every project is different, requiring you to tap into a different skill set and inspire those around you to perform. As you take on new and more challenging projects,Read… Read more »

How Does Contracting Impact Human Capital Within Your Agency?

Recently I read a memo written by Peter Orszar, former Director of the Office of Budget and Management. In the memo, Orszag has identified that the goal for government is to find the optimal mix of public and private resources to deliver the highest level of service to citizens. He also cautions that an overrelianceRead… Read more »

Using GIS During an Emergency

There are dozens of applications of GIS technology. Last month, I wrote about 10 ways GIS can influence governance. One of the more interesting ways, and quickly emerging, is using GIS during an emergency. I recently read a case study from the ESRI website, Larimer County GIS Builds Customer Web App to Empower Emergency Managers,Read… Read more »

Are You Using the Right Data to Drive Decisions?

Across the public sector, agencies are faced with the challenge of understanding how to drive decisions by using analytics. With such tight budgets, limited resources and ever growing complexities facing public administrators, government is challenged with the task of identifying the best way to use data to enhance citizen services. As operational challenges grow inRead… Read more »