Posts By Patrick Fiorenza

Opening Up Government: Using Data to Stimulate Economic Growth

Recently IBM released a report, Opening Up Government: How to Unleash the Power of Information for New Economic Growth. If you are interested in open government, I highly recommend taking a look at the report. There are many elements that I did not touch upon in this quick summary. One example would be there isRead… Read more »

Outlook for Social Media Innovation in Government

Social media provides great opportunities for government agencies to connect with citizens. Through social media, providing access to information and reaching citizens can be done easier than ever before. Most studies show staggering upward trends of adoption rates and increased use of social networks. Since many of these platforms are still relatively new, it willRead… Read more »

How Do You Protect Against Cyber Threats?

Cyber threats continue to rise for the federal government. As potential attackers develop new ways to inflict infrastructure and federal systems, security professionals need to continue to stay one step ahead of the attackers. With increasing uses of cloud and collaborative technologies, new interconnected systems provide a fertile ground for potential attackers. With government officialsRead… Read more »

Building Effective Teams through the Tuckman Model – Is it Useful?

We’ve all been placed on a teams, some of them are formally acknowledged and some informally. Regardless of how a team is formed, one way to view team dynamics that I always find helpful is to consider Tuckman’s Group Development Model. In this model, four stages of a group are developed: forming, storming, norming, performing.Read… Read more »

8 Ways Government Can Engage Citizens – From GovGirl Kristy Fifelski

This week I sat in a webinar hosted by GovDelivery that featured “GovGirl” Kristy Fifelski. The title of the presentation was “You’re on Social Media…Now What?” Kristy walked through great examples and provided a handful of interesting case studies of social media from the state, local and federal level. You can listen to an archivedRead… Read more »

Leveraging Technology to Improve Organizational Efficiency and Operations

I’m planning on attending the Cisco Government Solutions Forum On March 21st at the Grand Hyatt Hotel (1000 H Street NW) and wanted to share the details with the GovLoop Community. I’ll be doing some live blogging as well, so if you aren’t in DC or can’t attend, keep an eye out for the liveRead… Read more »

Free Online Training: How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisition Process

No doubt that federal acquisition is a complex and often frustrating process. Next week I’ll be attending a webinar that will bring to light some of the challenges, and offer up some solutions and best practices for acquisition professionals. If you are interested in joining me – you can find all the information below andRead… Read more »

Top 4 Aspects of Improving Efficiency in the Cloud

This morning I attended the Improving Efficiency in the Cloud GovLoop roundtable sponsored by Oracle. Cloud technology has been one of the hot topics in government for the past several months. As government is challenged by the dire budget situation and fiscal uncertainty, agencies are tasked to be more innovative to meet mission critical initiatives.Read… Read more »