What it is Like Being a 65-Year-Old College Student
It is one thing to say you want to take some classes. It’s another to actually do it. This is my experience being a 65-year-old college student.
It is one thing to say you want to take some classes. It’s another to actually do it. This is my experience being a 65-year-old college student.
Agencies and other organizations have to focus on those who participate but remember there are large numbers of people within their jurisdictions who do not participate.
Practical advice on how to gather enough information to get a basic understanding of an issue to form you own opinion.
It is important for your agency priorities to be in sync with the priorities of the people in your jurisdiction.
“We the people” are really not much different from each other genetically. We all share similar experiences too.
Government agencies work electronically just like the private sector does. Read this post to find out what else is in the future of government tech.
The perception that government cannot be trusted is a very real problem. What can you do to help restore citizen trust?
Make a list of positive things that interest you and decide which ones could make the world a better place.
A good career is about what happens on your career journey and how you reacted to whatever it was.
Content is called king for a reason. Make sure the internet can see your actual content, not just a link.