A CISO’s 365 Days Journey – Part 4
After building the program for three quarters, seeking feedback from the stakeholders and making course corrections, a CISO should look forward.
After building the program for three quarters, seeking feedback from the stakeholders and making course corrections, a CISO should look forward.
This is Part 3 of my Chief Information Security Officer’s 365-day journey. Read on to learn about the importance of continuous improvement and feedback.
This is Part 2 of the four-part series about a Chief Information Security Officer’s initial 365 days. I will focus on and emphasize the importance of risk here.
The first 90 days are crucial for establishing credibility as a chief information security officer, or CISO, at an agency.
With resource constraints, especially during the current pandemic, the importance of cybersecurity ecosystems has increased considerably.
An effective and aligned organization will help the chief information security officer (CISO) improve its cybersecurity posture and reduce its risks.
I found I executed strategizing, planning and operating in all my successful initiatives, but they were absent in my failed projects.