6 Ideas to Engage Your Employees
The more we let our people go as opposed to shackling them to their desks, the more productive they will be.
The more we let our people go as opposed to shackling them to their desks, the more productive they will be.
The validation of someone’s culture in the workplace can drive high levels of engagement.
Do you like your work so much you would do it for free? Volunteer for work. It seems to be the quickest path to engagement in a world that will not stop talking about disengagement.
Let’s concentrate our efforts more on the energy levels we bring to the workplace by paying more attention to brain science.
Keep the eternal flames of justice and equality burning for us on the mountain top. We will get there eventually.
Some of the reasons we avoid the difficult work of inclusion.
Do you talk too much and listen too little? Then you may be leading like a hippo.
Do you know the languages of appreciation of your colleagues and customers and do you implement them on a regular basis?
Take a teaspoon of diversity, mix it with a pint of recognition and embracing differences, and you will be well on your way to creating teams that resemble the taxpayers we serve.
Have we idolized the model of individual achievement to the detriment of group success?