Preparing for Life’s Departures
Life is filled with departures. All departures require some preparation, even the fun ones.
Life is filled with departures. All departures require some preparation, even the fun ones.
It is good for our well-being if we work on both our physical and mental maintenance.
Do you have a manager who likes your ideas, but gets so excited that they forget to listen to your full concept? Here’s what you can do about it.
Don’t wait for the opportunity to find someone to be your mentor. A mentor can help you become the person that you want to be.
Here are eight tips and tricks for generating new ideas when you feel like your creative well has run dry personally or professionally.
Learning to let go and enjoy art, exercise and other activities is a valuable skill for both daily life and the COVID-19 pandemic.
We can discover our gifts at any time. Don’t be afraid of pursuing them. Recognize that the path to success may be crooked.
As an introvert, making phone calls is not something I particularly enjoy doing. But the shelter-at-home requirements in many locations make it necessary and useful.
One of the great advantages of taking on diverse activities is that it gives you the ability to exercise your mind in both familiar and new ways.
How do you ensure that your audience can hear and understand you? Here are some suggestions for assisting the hearing challenged in your audience.