How to Be a Phenomenal Public Speaker
Like everything, if you push your comfort zone a little, you’ll find your comfort zone grows.
Communications, Professional Development
Like everything, if you push your comfort zone a little, you’ll find your comfort zone grows.
Reflecting on how my love for the U.S has evolved and matured, I can’t help but tell a few stories.
The most important thing you can ask yourself is whether what your organization stands for is compatible with your own core beliefs.
Communications, Leadership, Professional Development
The art of storytelling is an essential skill. It helps sell your ideas faster. Here’s how you can harness the power of storytelling.
As a society, if we had an abundant amount of liberty, would it lead to a struggle in ethics? Does being anonymous enable people to be their worst self?
Perception is a funny thing. It can change so much between our internal view and the way others view us externally.
How can you tell which data is useful and which is not?
Influence is the foundation to creating corporate empathy.
Accountability is not a bad word. It’s something that should be celebrated.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Is that true? Words can be hurtful.