Managing the Work Life Balance: the Benefits of Working In Federal Government
There are so many options in federal government that can make your schedule and stress level more manageable.
There are so many options in federal government that can make your schedule and stress level more manageable.
The workplace can be stressful, and we don’t want holiday celebrations to cause more stress, so just think before you bring in your life-size Santa to share with your colleagues, and make sure your colleagues know how much they are appreciated.
Tactics for successful negotiations.
In this week’s blog, I will cover some of the general lessons I learned about negotiations that can also apply to general conversations and interactions with others.
There is no “right” way to be a great leader or manager, but you don’t have to be in a formal supervisory role to provide leadership to your team or your organization.
On average, an adult needs to hear the same thing three times from three different sources to truly understand/internalize that knowledge. The SBIR model can help.
When I’m not saving the world as a federal government employee, I enjoy long distance running. My relatively short legs do not quite paint the picture of an elegant, gazelle-like runner, but I have laser-like determination, a “never quit” attitude, and perseverance for days. When I run, I am able to tune out many everydayRead… Read more »
How do we use Google in the most efficient and productive way possible when working in the federal government?
Chances are in federal government: you will be on a team with individuals spanning all generations. And that can be frustrating for everyone.
Here are some of the lessons I learned on my path into federal employment — and some of these lessons likely transcend career fields.