Why Don’t I Get Promoted?
Here are five things you can do right now to help position yourself for a promotion.
Here are five things you can do right now to help position yourself for a promotion.
If you haven’t had a chance to look through the spending legislation for this fiscal year, we’ve highlighted some interesting points in the areas of IT and the federal workforce.
The Small Business Administration is a leader in IT modernization. GovLoop talked to SBA CIO Maria Roat to pinpoint what led to the agency’s success.
The Fourth U.S. National Action Plan for Open Government (NAP4) was released this month after a more than year-long delay. It offers eight key initiatives, a change from the 26, 23, and 40 initiatives published during the Obama administration, and applies for the next two years.
The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) was signed into law on Dec. 20, 2018 to bridge the gaps with modernizing government agency technology and previously non-digital, paper-based processes. So what does that entail for government agencies?
When I joined a new workplace, I considered a few controllable elements that aided the transition. Personal development and workplace interactions are key.
A Research Analyst at Clever Real Estate surveyed 500 federal workers on the impact of the government shutdown and wrote a report on the findings.
Software licensing can be disordered, and understanding the risks involved can require time. How can agencies control the chaos and understand the risks?
One of the biggest challenges an agency faces when implementing IT reform is cultural. Just ask NSF Chief Information Officer Dorothy Aronson. Her message to agencies: Start now and be bold.
Theresa Szczurek, Colorado’s new Chief Information Officer, joined GovLoop for an interview to address how her state tackles concerns like cybersecurity, data governance and hiring and retaining IT talent.