Posts By Steve Ressler

4 Tips on Reporting Digital Metrics from

At a conference, I was recently asked “What’s the best way to report web and social media metrics?” The participant said they struggle on what specific metrics to report, how frequently, and in what format. My response was check out Center for Disease Controls’s metrics Here’s 4 tips based on CDC’s metrics (September’s metrics embeddedRead… Read more »

Fixing the Paradox of Government

I really enjoyed the presentation by Tim O’Reilly on “Technology & 21st Century Government“ He begins with what he says is the great paradox of government “It’s too big & costs too much. Yet there are problems that the private sector can’t solve alone” Which leads to the thought – “What if we felt aboutRead… Read more »

Government Forms Just Got an Upgrade

Pretty cool update from the Presidential Innovation Fellows working on Project MyGov ————————– Government Forms Just Got an Upgrade If you’ve ever had the pleasure of filling out a TPS report or any other form (in triplicate, by hand, with a pen), have we got news for you. We’ve rolled out – and look forwardRead… Read more »

Beyond Cats & Kardashians – 13 Tips on Building Meaningful Online Engagement

Today, I gave a talk at Cornell Law & Internet conference on the topic “Beyond Cats & Kardashians – Building Meaningful Online Engagement” Here’s my 13 of my tips: -Find the engagement pain point -Focus on the underlying demand for the service -Find the existing audience you can leverage -Embed elsewhere -Leverage timely events -PromoteRead… Read more »

Announcing 2013 “Path to PMF” Guide & Interactive Website

Are you an agency PMF coordinator? Current graduate student or recent graduate? Thinking about applying for 2013 PMF? If so, I have a resource for you. I’m excited to announce the new 2013 “Path to PMF” Guide & Website. Created in partnership with the Robertson Foundation for Government, it is designed to help provide informationRead… Read more »

8 Favorite Quotes about Government

I love quotes – who doesn’t? Our thread on “Favorite Quotes” has over 500 suggestions. With 500 suggestions, I thought it was time to highlight my 8 favorite quotes about government. 1) John F. Kennedy – “Let the public service be a proud and lively career. And let every man and woman who works inRead… Read more »

5 Great Local Government Websites

Recently we had a great conversation on “Best and Worst Government websites” – I wanted to take a step back and highlight 5 great state and local government websites from the bunch (and not just the usual suspects who rock but are often featured like 1) City of Austin – Clean, crisp navigation andRead… Read more »