Posts By Steve Ressler

Can We Have a Results-Only Workforce in Government?

Yesterday I had an awesome coffee with Stacey Swanson from ROWE where we talked about the future of work in government. For those that don’t know, ROWE is a human resource management strategy wherein employees are paid for results (output) rather than the number of hours worked – it’s been already piloted at agencies likeRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Save Money! Use Your Phone!

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Today, some members of the GovLoop team headed to a DC lunch hot-spot for a special treat. They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch,Read… Read more »

And the 2011 Graduate Public Service Scholarship Winners Are…

It seems as if every story about government lately involves the budget in some capacity. Elected officials and government employees are tasked with the difficult process of creating solutions in the face of financial restrictions, and with budgets getting smaller and smaller, this task sometimes seems impossible. At GovLoop, we’re a bit more optimistic aboutRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Tips on Applying to Apps Contests

I just got done with reviewing a number of applications to the SBA Apps for Entrepreneurial contests. Lots of cool applications and the results will be forthcoming in a few weeks. It’s my first time judging so I thought I’d give some feedback from the perspective of a judge for those applying to other appsRead… Read more »

Pause – be Strategic

Notes from 5 minute talk at PS Engage Before the tool….stop chill out and think -Who you are communicating with (target audience – be specific) -Why are you communicating with them? (what outocme do you want or why bother) -One or 2-way communication? (Tell them stuff or hear what they want) -How do you getRead… Read more »

Reasons to Consider Agile Work

Notes from PS Engage 5 minute talk on Agile Lean Startup, Strum – all types of agile work Teams that are self-organizing, incrementing, and delivering on short feedback loops Get results quicker – take big deliverables and break them down. Fail fast, fail often – if delivering in 2-3 weeks, if fail much smaller dealRead… Read more »

Storytelling in Government….

Lessons from Alan Silberberg’s presentation on “Storytelling” Tell your story-simple -quickly -know your audience How to get to Yes -Don’t take no for an answer -Tell the story so you get buy in -Use examples from outside your group -Tie to real world examples/case studies So much information – choose the data points that supportRead… Read more »

50,000 Strong

Today we as a community are hitting an awesome milestone. 50,000 members. That’s pretty crazy. I vividly remember the day in my cubicle at DHS talking to my colleagues about how there should be an online community to meet other government employees and share best practices. They thought I was crazy and it would neverRead… Read more »

What Would Our Future Leaders Do With $100 Million of the Budget?

Giving back is a big part of GovLoop. Every year we try to give back to government and those people who focus themselves on public service. One of our initiatives to accomplish that is our annual scholarship contest. This year we partnered with NASPAA and are awarding 3 scholarships to graduate students who’s educational focusRead… Read more »