Posts By Steve Ressler

Forget the Review: Just Give Me My Raise Already!

Isn’t that what happens in government under the current Grade-Step system? People basically advance in career and compensation based on years in office vs. quality of performance. At least that’s the overall perception of public sector pay among citizens…and OPM Director John Berry: The current review process “seems to take place in Garrison Keillor’s LakeRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Tips on Informational Interview

Top 5 – How to Conduct an Informational Interview About three years ago, I conducted an extensive job search. As part of that job search, I held probably 40 information interviews. Well, now life reverses its course and I’ve been helping folks out recently as I’ve been the interviewee on the information interview. As such,Read… Read more »

FHWA Social Media Policy Launched

Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA Social Media Web 2.0 Mgmt Par. What is the purpose of this directive? Is this a new FHWA directive? What is the background of this directive? What is the scope of this directive? What authorities were used in writing this directive? What is the definition of Social Media/WebRead… Read more »

Get Your GL Swag On!

If you’ve been to any event with GovLoop, you know we love to pass out some swag. Whether it’s handing you a landyard at a GovUp or throwing a t-shirt into a crowd, we love seeing Govloopers sporting some green and yellow! Want swag of your very own? GovLoop is now giving you a fewRead… Read more »

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

How and Why to Bring Open Source to Your Agency – February GL Training

**Register for GovLoop Online Training – How and Why to Bring Open Source to Your Agency – February 24th at 2pm – presented by RedHat/Carahsoft** 2010 was a banner year for open source in government. The growth of Open Source for America, the rise of Drupal as an open-source content management system with implementations fromRead… Read more »

2011 Fed 100 Winners Include GovLoopers

The awesomeChris Dorobek just posted the list of FCW Fed 100 winners on Scribd Winners include a number of folks active in social media (Twitter/GovLoop) such as GovLoop Fantasy Football champ Neil Bonner, GL Rockstar Mary Davie, NASA Linda Cureton, SSA Frank Baltman (prolific Twitterer), Alec Ross, Bev Godwin…More below Federal Computer Week’s 2011 FedRead… Read more »