Millennials vs Boomers: Be Where You Are
The point is that both millennials and baby boomers are sowing their oats to the beat of their generational drum.
The point is that both millennials and baby boomers are sowing their oats to the beat of their generational drum.
It is the most wildly over-used mark of punctuation in the English language and is dragging all of us down with its haphazard excitement and indiscriminate emphasis!
During the past 20 years, or so, as video technology has leapfrogged itself to the point where you can shoot a feature film on your phone, many local agencies began hiring communication specialists and video producers to come up with new and creative ways to get their message out. But, in many cases, the priorities… Read more »
Failure can teach you more about success than unlimited success ever could.
Like many of us, I fell into local government communications by accident. Here’s how this serendipity happened.
Today, government communications jobs are so much more than just writing press releases and talking to reporters.
Learn how government employees can navigate talking to reporters.
My own inability to control certain problem children in the past has, directly or indirectly, led to my own staff being reduced from seven (full and part-time) to one (plus contractors). And, that’s ok. Perhaps that’s a bad thing or perhaps that has led to finding the workflow “sweet spot” for my department’s activity. That’s… Read more »